View Full Version : Hollow Cobra; what's the buzz?

10-14-2008, 06:07 PM
I'm the original owner of an Anderson Hollow T classic since 1996. It is a great guitar, but I'm very curious about a Hollow Cobra with P-90's. I love big, fat, clean sounds just on the edge of breakup, and use pedals to go into overdrive. I play blues, country, roots-Americana, and slide, so I don't need or use humbuckers or high-gain sounds.
Any input from those of you who either own or have played a Hollow Cobra with P-90's would be greatly apppreciated.
Sincere thanks,

10-15-2008, 11:26 PM

I happen to own just the model your are asking about (09/14/01P). Some folks don't care for the p/u hum P 90's generate, but I don't mind it. I play mostly blues and r&r. I love it for slide, it's capable of everything from nice hollow glass tones to full on making the output tubes scream. Very vocal and very responsive. I always get complements on my tone when playing that guitar. Basicly you can't go wrong with any of Toms guitars. Hope this helps.


10-16-2008, 04:46 PM

I happen to own just the model your are asking about (09/14/01P). Some folks don't care for the p/u hum P 90's generate, but I don't mind it. I play mostly blues and r&r. I love it for slide, it's capable of everything from nice hollow glass tones to full on making the output tubes scream. Very vocal and very responsive. I always get complements on my tone when playing that guitar. Basicly you can't go wrong with any of Toms guitars. Hope this helps.


thanks Terry!!!