View Full Version : gig for sat with the new anderson

04-12-2004, 01:10 PM
Still in love with the guitar. I was wondering if anyone else played Line 6 pre-amps. It took like a week to set my patches up to what i had with my '52 tele with seymour duncuns pups in it.

I have the baggs trem x-bridge, and with it a stereo out and a mono out.

At practice, ive been hooking up two mono cords...now i dont want to do that when i play live...so either i was going to hook up two seperate wireless units...or get a stereo jack and then put the two wireless units onto that...

( I run one to the PodXT PRO and the other to the monitor board.)

any suggestions on what works best??

i do some blending with some patches...i set the acoustic patch up with a stomp box (tube screamer) so i can do the rhythm parts on the choruses

thanks for the help..


04-12-2004, 01:16 PM
we've addressed the wireless issue before, and there isn't a lot of difference between the two methods. with two mono cords, you only need one backup since they are both the same. if you do a stereo Y cord, the backup would be a more expensive cord. you may find the two mono's to give you better isolation between the two signals.

04-12-2004, 04:35 PM
so i should run one wireless to the stereo with a mono plug...and the other wireless to the other mono with a mono plug...?

04-12-2004, 05:40 PM
yes, that will send the two to their respective amps, and keep them totally descrete.

04-12-2004, 10:16 PM
thank you Mr. Anderson.

04-12-2004, 11:46 PM
please call me tom, mr anderson is my dad.

04-13-2004, 09:55 AM
Thanks for all the help. I can't get over that you personally anser some of the e-mails. You could never get that with Fender.

Its hard enough to get tech support on most things....

Just wanted to say thank you for helping out as much as you do.

David C. Newman, III

(p.s. was also wandering....how do i register my guitar with you guys...to show that i now own that guitar?)

04-13-2004, 02:32 PM
you have to cut fender a little slack, there's no way a giant machine could be personal, just like there's no way we could make a guitar for $300. they are a giant entitiy that supports lots of workers families, we are a family doing what we love. there is a difference, but a place for both. we are glad to help, as it helps us to better understand our friends and customers. you can email the date of your guitar and your contact info to us. that way if it does show up stolen, we can contact you.