View Full Version : mess !

09-22-2008, 07:50 AM
Hello gang,

I was playing yesterday and noticed the guitar produced static sounds while I was playing (so I was touching the strings), especially on the low E string.

So I decided to remove the electronics's cavity, and found out something weird.
The bridge pickup harness looks like it's been tempered with, the ground wire has lost a fair bit of insulation, and the middle pickup harness shows burnt signs, I really doubt Tom would have let by a guitar in this state... so my guess is someone has messed with the bridge pickup, and burnt some wires in the process.

Tom, do you think the statics I hear could be caused by this poor looking wiring ?
Any ways of telling if my guitar still has its original H2+ pickup, ie, are telltale signs that it is an H2+ like it is supposed to be?

thanks all !

(attached is a very poor picture from my phone, it gives you an idea..)


09-22-2008, 12:17 PM
i can't tell lots from that pic, but we would NEVER have a long drain wire like i see there on a pu install. let alone the burnt wire. someone's been in there. static and noise issues are tough to guess about without seeing. sometimes bad ground connections can make things worse.

09-23-2008, 01:55 AM
Hi Tom !

Judging by the way the other 2 pickups are wired (perfect soldering and clean wiring routing) I knew this was odd.

The guitar sounds great, but I'm a bit of a perfectionnist and it looks bad. :mad:
My guitar was fitted with an H2+ pickup, any way I can confirm this is still the correct one installed right now?

09-23-2008, 07:08 AM
Hi Tom !

Judging by the way the other 2 pickups are wired (perfect soldering and clean wiring routing) I knew this was odd.

The guitar sounds great, but I'm a bit of a perfectionnist and it looks bad. :mad:
My guitar was fitted with an H2+ pickup, any way I can confirm this is still the correct one installed right now?
Hi Tripleinside, the model number is written on the bottom of the pickup. You should be able to lift it out enough to check without desoldering it (although it sounds like you might want to re-install it anyway).

09-23-2008, 08:23 AM
yep! can't have a bad looking wiring in this guitar ! ;)

thanks for the tip !

09-23-2008, 11:56 AM
new picture

09-23-2008, 12:29 PM
still looks like a messy install. we always have the jacket of the wire way down by the pot.

09-23-2008, 01:19 PM
it's done now... thank you Sir !

09-23-2008, 10:57 PM
it's done now... thank you Sir !
So did it turn out be a H2+ in the end? :)

09-24-2008, 02:06 AM
yep ! Really don't know why they messed with the wiring to stick the OEM pickup back in, unless the previous owner used a different pickup and reverted to the TA pickup for the sale...

I made the wiring like the TAG team did on the other 2 pickup, it's much cleaner now.

Still hesitating between an H3 and an H3+ to replace my bridge pickup, we'll see... :p