View Full Version : Getting broken string end out of trem block

Kid Metric
09-14-2008, 08:26 AM
I have a TAG Classic 04-16-06P.
I break strings on occasion, and have a heck of a time getting the ball end out of the trem block to replace it.
Very frustrating!
Anybody got any tricks out there they use when this happens?
I ended up using a .046 string end to push it out, but I had to work it for a long time.
There has got to be an easier way!

09-14-2008, 03:35 PM
Sometimes I find these in customers guitars while on the bench. I use a long Allen wrench thats sits on my bench but you could use anything that would fit into the hole that the string goes through like maybe a 3 inch wooden dowl that won't scratch anything if you left it inside the case for traveling to gigs.

Kid Metric
09-14-2008, 05:50 PM
The thing about this bridge, is the hole for the string insert is towards the end of the guitar.
I got it done, but a a 6 inch tool the size of the hole would do the trick.
The width is the thing.
Your nickname is Elf, of some form?
I have a friend named Elf, and we put him in a a large capicity dryer, and put some money in it.
It almost killed him, and boy was he pissed off!
Your guitars are the @#$$^&, thats all I can say!

John Price
09-15-2008, 11:20 AM
I made a few jabbers out of copper wire that is a little thinner than a coat hanger. Bent the top for gripping and it works great.

09-16-2008, 01:48 AM
I often had this problems on my Fender strat.. the ball was stucked in the bar.. so i had a very long needle, i could push it out with.. on my Anderson it`s no problem..

09-17-2008, 09:10 PM
High E broke at rehearsal. All I had was a pack of Fender Bullets. I used the Bullet for a couple of weeks and changed all the strings back to the usual Elixirs. Getting that bullet out of the bridge was damn near impossible.

I was using a paper clip, but I'll keep the Allen wrench trick in mind next time if there's a problem.