View Full Version : message for Tom/drop top tele

04-08-2004, 06:18 PM
Hi At last today i finally got my Anderson drop top T in light tigers eye, how do you say you are dissapointed with a Anderson top !!!! well, i am.
when ordering a flame top i thought it would be similar to those on guitar of the week archives but no, it looks like a Koa top, the grain all "busy" in fact i spotted a picture of it in Enr1co tour of Anderson factory ( see chuck holding it up ) what a coincidence.The engraving on the plate on the back is also wrong, it says 03-22-03P instead of 03-22-04P !!) my Email tom; stevereplay@hotmail.com.

04-08-2004, 06:34 PM
i am sorry you didn't like the top. it just goes to show that we all have different taste in tops. enrico saw it here and loved it. we have had people say the flame is too wide and we have had people say the flame is too narrow. we will be happy to make you a different guitar. since the guitar is purchased through a dealer the return will be likewise.

04-08-2004, 06:47 PM
Thank you very much for the speedy reply Tom, er, with living in Liverpool, England the postage for another 2 journeys is quite a lot as you can imagine $200 a time !! so what would be the best method? how long would it take and do i get to keep this until there was a replacment? Dont get me wrong Tom i love the actual guitar, i have a Cobra from Namm 2000 and i have on order a T classic with contours on order its just...i want it more like "flame" instead of "koa" !! also what do you think about the engraving?

04-09-2004, 10:54 AM
so you didn't buy it from a dealer there? that does complicate things quite a bit. that will have to be worked out with your dealer as that is where it was purchased. this is one of the perils of shopping out of state or country. we are well represented in the UK, it's a shame it was not ordered there since this was a special order guitar. while i am offering to exchange your guitar, the one you have needs to be in new condition for me to resell it.
as for the engraving, i have caught myself early in the year putting the wrong year on several guitars. "caught" being the key word, i didn't catch this one. kind of like those first few checks of the new year where you write the old year on them, but maybe i'm the only one who does that. we'll put a new plate on it when it comes back.

04-09-2004, 02:01 PM
Thanks for the reply Tom, i'll speak to Jack @Magdon and go from there. If i decide to keep it can you send a new plate for the back ?
Cheers Tom.

04-09-2004, 02:05 PM
not a problem, all i need is a mailing address.

04-09-2004, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by tom
i am sorry you didn't like the top. it just goes to show that we all have different taste in tops. enrico saw it here and loved it. we have had people say the flame is too wide and we have had people say the flame is too narrow. we will be happy to make you a different guitar. since the guitar is purchased through a dealer the return will be likewise.

now THIS situation epitomizes customer service - a KEY reason for buying Tom Anderson guitars. let me think, which other manufacturer in the world would be so understanding..........hmmmm.........NONE!!!!! tom, you are, without a doubt, THE MAN:cool: :cool: :cool:

04-10-2004, 05:00 AM
I agree, within minutes of my post Tom himself replied !!
service second to none !!!
Thank you Tom.:D