View Full Version : TA Classic & Overdrive Pedals

09-11-2008, 09:58 AM
I just bought a Classic with VA5, VA5R, VA5+ pickups and I just had two Xotic pedals kick the bucket on me, the BB and AC. So I'm trying to replace them with overdrive pedals that would better suit the Classic. I've got a couple of charity variety events coming up where I'm playing a mixture of 60s, blues, and country tunes and I want to use the Classic instead of my Cobras. I'll be playing thru a Fender 65 Deluxe Reverb reissue. Any recommendations as to something that may work better than the BB & AC. I thought about trying the Fulltone OCD, any thoughts on that pedal? I'm just not up to date on some of the other boutique pedals out there.

09-11-2008, 10:11 AM
I just bought a Classic with VA5, VA5R, VA5+ pickups and I just had two Xotic pedals kick the bucket on me, the BB and AC. So I'm trying to replace them with overdrive pedals that would better suit the Classic. I've got a couple of charity variety events coming up where I'm playing a mixture of 60s, blues, and country tunes and I want to use the Classic instead of my Cobras. I'll be playing thru a Fender 65 Deluxe Reverb reissue. Any recommendations as to something that may work better than the BB & AC. I thought about trying the Fulltone OCD, any thoughts on that pedal? I'm just not up to date on some of the other boutique pedals out there.

I am not a big fan of the OCD becasue I think it provides too much boost. But that is just me. I know a lot of guys love them.

This will be pricey, but a Mosferatu and Zendrive will cover all those bases quite well. In fact, if you could go with those two plus maybe a Fulldrive II you would definintely cover it all. Throw an RC boost in front and you got it all done plus a solo boost.

09-11-2008, 10:12 AM
I just had two Xotic pedals kick the bucket on me, the BB and AC.

how did that happen? sounds like you should call Xotic.

i use an original '65 Deluxe Reverb around town and in the studio. i really like the Nobels ODR-1 with single coil guitars and the RC Booster. for more gain, the Ibanez Mostortion is really, really cool. So are the ZVex Box of Rock and the MI Audio Blues Pro. and if you like the BB a lot, you'd probably dig a RAT reissue of some kind. i have the BYOC clone, and it is awesome.

Mister T
09-11-2008, 11:34 AM
I have a well used/abused AC booster that is still fine.

I agree with the poster above....call Xotic.

09-11-2008, 12:38 PM
i have heard of people having trouble with the old style switch they used in their pedals. they now use the same blue switch that most use. i'd get in touch with them.
i'm a fan of the barber od pedals. the low gain direct drive or ltd sr are great low gain sounds in a clean or pushed amp. the regular direct drive works great for higher gain in a clean amp too.

09-11-2008, 01:37 PM
+1 on Barber Pedals. I use DirectDrive, SmallFry and LTD (black version with more mids) in front of clean fender amps.

I just concluded a bunch of experimenting on my 68 Deluxe reverb and got better pedal results with the bright cap removed and putting in a C-rex speaker. Tamed the highs and tightened up the lows.

09-11-2008, 03:15 PM
I play a Classic into Mesa, Fender and Rivera amps. I have had great success with the Fulltone Fulldrive 2, at the lowest gain setting it adds a nice edge, and the second "channel" has some good dirt.

I didn't like the OCD, but did like the MXR distortion III the new one. much smoother.

09-11-2008, 06:20 PM
I got a Menatone Red Snapper 4 knobber last year after hearing one at NAMM. Brian builds a nice pedal, very tweakable from clean boost to a mild overdrive. The bite and cut knobs work as tone and edge control nicely together.
Since I got this pedal, I really haven't looked at another. it works well with DRRI's that I had in the past. The RS likes 6L6er's too like my Fargen BB40 and Carr Rambler. the amps do the clean they can do and I let the pedal do the boost and solo volume.

John Price
09-11-2008, 07:04 PM
I still love the RC booster and BB preamp but you might want to try the eight-0-eight by retro-sonic...

09-11-2008, 09:38 PM
I have two OCD's and an Eternity ...The new Lovpedal BBB and Lovepedal Pro Valve while not boost pedals are definetly worth looking into .And i really like my Demeter mid Boost w/ either OCD or Eternity

After rereading your intial post you cant go wrong w/ an OCD or an Eternity ...

09-12-2008, 09:20 AM
i have heard of people having trouble with the old style switch they used in their pedals. they now use the same blue switch that most use. i'd get in touch with them.
i'm a fan of the barber od pedals. the low gain direct drive or ltd sr are great low gain sounds in a clean or pushed amp. the regular direct drive works great for higher gain in a clean amp too.

These have the newer footswitches (the old style ones were junk). I sent a couple of them back last year for the heavy duty footswitch replacements. In all the cases of failure of the Xotics, when I kick in the pedal, all I get is static and then the pedal fails (no sound). I've heard good things about the Barber pedals. Maybe I'll give them a try. I'll probably send the Xotics back for repair and use them for backups. But right now I have reliability concerns. I still have a pedalboard with a BB and AC that I use with the Cobras. All my pedalboards have an RC for clean boost and I haven't had any RC failures.

09-12-2008, 09:22 AM
I have two OCD's and an Eternity ...The new Lovpedal BBB and Lovepedal Pro Valve while not boost pedals are definetly worth looking into .And i really like my Demeter mid Boost w/ either OCD or Eternity

After rereading your intial post you cant go wrong w/ an OCD or an Eternity ...

I also have a Demeter mid boost. I haven't used it yet with the Classic. I have a P90 based PRS SE One, which I use it with. So maybe I'll try an OCD / Demeter combination.

09-12-2008, 12:24 PM
Big fan of the OCD v.4 with my TA Classics and Hollow T.

I also recently got a BB Plus, but have had a hard time taming that beast into my Supro Thunderbolt. But I haven't had a lot of playing time with it yet.

09-13-2008, 08:20 AM
I have an OCD coming on a trial basis, and have ordered a Red Snapper. The Barber pedals looked good, but I have a spacial limitation on the pedalboard, and the Barbers are too large.

09-13-2008, 02:33 PM
how did that happen? sounds like you should call Xotic.

i use an original '65 Deluxe Reverb around town and in the studio. i really like the Nobels ODR-1 with single coil guitars and the RC Booster. for more gain, the Ibanez Mostortion is really, really cool. So are the ZVex Box of Rock and the MI Audio Blues Pro. and if you like the BB a lot, you'd probably dig a RAT reissue of some kind. i have the BYOC clone, and it is awesome.
After watching your video, I think I'm going to take a look at the Mostortion. Man, you get really nice tones.

09-16-2008, 08:53 PM
I like my fulltone FullDrive II Mosfet for country, Blues and rock with my classic. I play thru a Dr. Z Maz Sr 38 and a Maz Jr 18. I actually have 2 as I use one for the clean boost and the other for more drive. Of all the OD's I have been through I am still thrilled with the sound. Good Luck!!


09-16-2008, 09:00 PM
After watching your video, I think I'm going to take a look at the Mostortion. Man, you get really nice tones.

thanks, man! that pedal has really grown on me. let us know how you like it when you find one.