View Full Version : flanger pedal ideas?

Gary F.
04-08-2004, 03:33 PM
My board is pretty simple: BuddaWah- Maxon OD 808-Boss BF2-Boss CH2-Boss DD3. I've been using the flanger a little more lately for some of the cover tunes we're doing, and the BF-2 is showing its shortcomings with too much noise and an increase in gain when the pedal is activated (it lacks a level control). I'm looking to upgrade.

Anyone have any experience with either the new Ibanez FL-9 reissue or Maxon FL-9? How about any others that have a wide flange range yet are relatively transparent in the signal chain (does that make sense?!).


04-08-2004, 09:47 PM
Well I tried the Boss BF 3 for a while and was not pleased. It was not bad for the $$, but not great either.

I do like the FullTone ChoralFalange, but it is WAY overpiced. Plus it really is a better chorus than flanger. Does some mild fnageing, and is pretty transparent, but if you want that big wooshy stuff stay away.

I used to have a old Ibanez DFL that, while a tad noisy, was a decent little pedal. You can find them on Ebay all the time for a reasonable price.

One thing to consider with all the Boss stuff - NO BYPASS!

Hope that helps.

04-09-2004, 11:02 AM
i have the tc floor unit, but i only use it for the pitch modulation. i have played with the flanger, but i guess i'm not a flanger guy. it did seem very swooshy. again not true bypass if that is an issue. not cheap either, but very clean.

Gary F.
04-09-2004, 11:25 AM
Thanks for chiming in, Dannopelli & Tom. Fact is, I'm not much of a flanger guy either, a little goes a long way. But it can be a useful effect, particularly for replicating keyboard swirls on guitar, or thickening up single coil leads (e.g. Clapton on Forever Man). Ah, the life of a cover band weekend warrior. Any other recommendations? thanks!

John Price
04-11-2004, 11:37 AM
My favorite is the old classic MXR Flanger! Unfortunately it's been discontinued but can be found on EBay!


Gary F.
04-11-2004, 01:29 PM
Found a used Maxon FL-9 (with true bypass) on ebay which should be here this week. Figure it's got to be an improvement over the Boss BF-2. I'll post on it if anyone's interested. Thanks again for your comments on a pedal which doesn't seem to be on too many Anderson players' pedalboards.
