View Full Version : Non-local Cobra?

09-07-2008, 10:57 PM

I've been looking for one like this - but I'm not local... worth the risk?

09-08-2008, 09:40 AM

I've been looking for one like this - but I'm not local... worth the risk?
My $.02...

I tend to go the eBay route. Better protection in the long run. And you can see the seller's history.

Anderson's are consistently high quality, so if it is well cared for you can be pretty safe with an ebay type deal. You may need to do a set up when it arrives. Lots of guys do not understand the BF tuning and they much up the intonation. But other than that, Andy's do not have the "issues" that many others do. I have had about a dozen or so in my life and have five now. Never had a bad one in terms of quality or playability. And a few have been ebay deals too.

That guitar is a beaut, but I've seen similar on ebay for the last few months, and at a slightly better price point.

09-08-2008, 10:46 AM
I know, I'd prefer ebay because it is safer.. I've been looking there for a while - but it's always non trem, or non-full sized humbuckers, or something that is slightly different from what I'm looking for. This one is right - right frets, right color, humbuckers..

09-08-2008, 01:29 PM
Well, it is a $2K gamble. Only you know if you are comfortable with that.

I just went through what you are going through. My patience paid off and I got a VA5 equipped Classic EXACTLY as I would have spec'd it.

Good luck in what ever you do!

09-08-2008, 02:15 PM
if you get the date on the guitar i can see if i have any history on it.

09-08-2008, 02:34 PM
Here's another $0.02...

I suggest you call the seller and chat a bit. Find out who he is and what his history is with the guitar, and his reason for selling. See if you have some mutual interests. I think you'll know whether you can trust him.

Since the guitar has the two-bolt neck, it's only a year or two old. Ask him for more pictures, and definitely get the serial number so you can confirm the guitar's configuration on the TAG web site.

I took a similar gamble recently and won big time! Good luck!

09-08-2008, 03:57 PM
Here's another $0.02...

I took a similar gamble recently and won big time! Good luck!


Seriously, that was a good point you made...

09-08-2008, 04:00 PM
09-13-06N is the serial number.

I've been talking by email and I'm getting a good impression. We may set up a closed auction on ebay so I can see his feedback. Calling is a good idea. Thanks all.

09-08-2008, 05:44 PM
guitar was sold to elite music in AL. was sold in feb of 07, but was never registered. not unusual for our guitars to not get registered. that's all i know. i do remember the top though, i kinda like it when they have a wild flame somewhere.

09-08-2008, 05:56 PM
guitar was sold to elite music in AL. was sold in feb of 07, but was never registered. not unusual for our guitars to not get registered. that's all i know. i do remember the top though, i kinda like it when they have a wild flame somewhere.

Man Tom, do you have a photographic memory of all the guitars you guys make? That's amazing that you can recall specific guitars of the thousands that you've had run through the shop.

09-08-2008, 06:31 PM
i certainly don't remember them all, it's been close to 14,000 now. i've probably played all but a hundred or so. but i often remember things with unusual figure or appointments. in the old days i really did remember most all of them. people would call and i'd mention some specific detail on their guitar. it was pretty fun.

09-08-2008, 06:37 PM
So you have a photogenic memory?

09-08-2008, 07:16 PM
no, i can hardly remember what i had for breakfast:o

09-08-2008, 10:01 PM
C'mon, Danno, surely you know that art cannot be rushed! I need the perfect light, the perfect background, and a perfectly steady hand...although the tripod is a darned good idea.

Not to mention the fact that taking pics, adjusting the exposure and so on takes hours and hours. Now that my wife works from home I need to put on an appearance of productivity every now and then.

Tomorrow should be a good time, though. Watch this space.

And to Mr. Science: I suggest you pick up the phone and call your seller. Nothing like direct contact for getting things done. E-mail is not direct contact, by the way. UNLESS YOU USE ALL CAPS!!!!


09-27-2008, 05:22 PM
I got it. Great guitar.

I've gone to play PRS guitars after getting this - and I like them both but I'm very happy with what I got. Now that the guitar makers have done their job, it remains to make good music with it!

Thanks for everyone's help-