View Full Version : Bridge adjustment question.

John Price
09-05-2008, 01:14 PM
I just recently adjusted my bridge from floating to sitting on the body. My question is could the front adjustment on the bridge prevent the back of the bridge from sitting flush? It seems that one side (side of the arm) wont sit flush like the other side. It's very minimal but if you tap on the bridge you can hear a slight resonance. Springs look good and the tension is good enough to do double stop bends (in tune now :D) without the low e string moving.
I also noticed a brighter tone. Could that be due to the bridge making contact with the body?


09-05-2008, 01:27 PM
the pivot screw adjustment could affect what you're seeing on the back edge. there is a "middle ground" where the pivot screw should be adjusted. you can gently and slowly turn the screw to find that place. in the right place, the baseplate should not go up or down. you can find the place by turning down(clockwise) till the base plate moves, then back off a bit.
i will also say that the fishman made base plates were not always totally flat so sometimes the back edge would not look like it was touching on both corners(but it is touching inside where you can't see so well.
usually people say the guitar sounds fuller when the bridge is touching the body.

John Price
09-05-2008, 07:01 PM
Thanks Tom! I'll try that. It's a 2008 model so I don't believe it has the fishman bridge but it does look like what your describing. That little edge by the tremolo bar is deceiving when you look at it from the back.

As for the tone it definitely sounds fuller especially single notes but I also have a little more brightness especially when I split the bridge PU. I don't know if it's just me getting adjusted to the change but it also feels loser than before.