View Full Version : A couple of New Live Tracks

09-05-2008, 12:36 PM
Hey guys. I just uploaded a couple of new live tracks at our myspace page. Disclaimer: It is worship music.

http://www.myspace.com/pulseworship is where you can find the tracks. If you like 'em...shout at me! If you don't...well just be nice.


09-08-2008, 07:56 AM
Just curious, how come you had to add a disclaimer about it being worship music.

09-08-2008, 09:50 AM
Because I don't assume that everyone on this forum is a christian that would enjoy worship music. Not that I assume I'd get blasted for it...I was just trying to be up front to cover that base just in case.

It's not like worship music is just another style like blues or jazz or metal. The content itself is a turn off to some folks that aren't into it.

So again, I was just trying to be up front.

thanks for asking though!

09-12-2008, 04:31 PM
I didn't mean anything by asking, I just would not understand what someone would care what the style of music is. I play worship music all the time, and all kinds of other music, and I think that it is funny that someone will not like a guitar part once they find out it is a style of music they don't like. Take away the words and any song could be a worship song.

09-12-2008, 04:41 PM
BTW, I like your music. What are you using for an amp and effects on "Sweetly Broken", it sounds cool. You have a great sound for a live recording.

09-12-2008, 06:09 PM
nicely handled johnny. people can be offended by most anything these days. faith is a hot button issue with some people and that is their choice so the disclaimer avoids any uncomfortableness for all.

09-12-2008, 06:54 PM
Right on fellas... No offense on my end at all by the question..I promise.

Thanks for the complement coal! I can't remember which I was using that day... It was one of my two rigs.

1. Crate Palomino V16 - Budda Phatman for overdrive and Route 66 for a little more "bite".

2. Straight through my GNX3.

either way I'm using fairly inexpensive gear on the amp side. I'd love to snag a Goodsell 17 after I find another job. My interim position came to a close at that church and I'm in total limbo right now. So for now I'm still playing through either of those two rigs depending on how big the room is.

Thanks for asking bro!

09-12-2008, 07:49 PM
Right on fellas... No offense on my end at all by the question..I promise.

Thanks for the complement coal! I can't remember which I was using that day... It was one of my two rigs.

1. Crate Palomino V16 - Budda Phatman for overdrive and Route 66 for a little more "bite".

2. Straight through my GNX3.

either way I'm using fairly inexpensive gear on the amp side. I'd love to snag a Goodsell 17 after I find another job. My interim position came to a close at that church and I'm in total limbo right now. So for now I'm still playing through either of those two rigs depending on how big the room is.

Thanks for asking bro!

Their loss, you're an awesome lead worshipper. I'm sure God will put your hand to the plow someplace else.

09-12-2008, 08:47 PM
Jim...thank you so much for your encouragement man. It means a lot to me especially considering my current circumstances. Peace,

09-13-2008, 08:24 AM
Jim...thank you so much for your encouragement man. It means a lot to me especially considering my current circumstances. Peace,

Man, I worshipped with you on those videos; awesome. God has His hand on you. You are certainly gifted and will be used by God. I can only hope and pray that someday my church will learn to worship like that.