View Full Version : Bigger knob on Crowdster?

04-07-2004, 06:13 PM
Is it just me or does the Crowdster on the "Guitar of the week" page at the Anderson site have a volume knob that is slightly larger than the "eq" knobs? Kinda neat.

04-07-2004, 07:26 PM
you win the eagle eye award for the day. we were having trouble getting both sizes of knobs for a while so we used all small knobs. we now have a lifetime supply, so if you'd like, i could send you a replacement "larger" knob.

04-07-2004, 07:41 PM
Originally posted by tom
you win the eagle eye award for the day. we were having trouble getting both sizes of knobs for a while so we used all small knobs. we now have a lifetime supply, so if you'd like, i could send you a replacement "larger" knob.

on the topics of "observations", the crowdsters have SMOKING tops, a majority of which are quilt. WOW:cool:

by design, by coincidence or by complete accident? or perhaps due to the ratio of crowdsters produced in relation to Cobras or DTs?

either way, I have yet to see a crowdster w/ a "marginal" top. ("marginal" being defined as an asymmetrical, more subtle, less consistent, curl or quilt)

04-07-2004, 10:38 PM
Why thank you Tom, I think a larger volume knob would be rather cool, kind of helps to define the "master" of all knobs. Oh, and by the way, what are the chances of a 12 string Crowdster? WOW!! Now that would rock!

I finally got to use my Crowdster tonight at our Good Friday rehersal and it was a joy to play. I didn't have my loud box yet so I just took the Crowdy and a cable and went direct, great sounds.
It was fun to see everyone look at me and go,"Hey, you playin' electric now??" He he he he. Kind of!:)

04-08-2004, 10:16 AM
have thought about a 12 string, but i'm using all my spare time right now finishing up the new elec. we have had some interest in 12 string crowdster's and electrics, so i'll be thinking about it. let me know where to send the knob. you can email me to keep you identity a secret.