View Full Version : C+ stereo y cable question

08-20-2008, 01:56 PM
I had my Crowdster retrofit for a plus pickup late last year and am ashamed to say that I got scared away from using the new electric capabilities. I'm not a very technical guy and just felt dumb after trying a few things.

Anyway, I bought a stereo y cable so that I could run both my acoustic (through my Roland AC 60) and electric (Fender Blues Jr.) amps. The link to the cable is below:


Anyway, it doesn't work! I could only get either the electric or the acoustic to pickup to work (not both at the same time). What did I do wrong?

Then I bought a Morley ABY pedal and that does the trick but I read something about needing the stereo y cable to have the guitar play to it's FULL capabilities. Or is using this pedal the exact same thing as using this fabled cable?

08-20-2008, 02:24 PM
There is a button on your guitar for stereo/mono operations. Make sure it is in the out position. Then you will probably be fine.

Let me know if you have any other questions, I've been running stereo with a C+ for almost two years. It's da bomb!

08-20-2008, 04:00 PM
There is a button on your guitar for stereo/mono operations. Make sure it is in the out position. Then you will probably be fine.

Let me know if you have any other questions, I've been running stereo with a C+ for almost two years. It's da bomb!

Are you talking about the switch underneath the volume knobs? I tried that. Or is there a hidden "button" that I don't know about?

08-20-2008, 04:17 PM
Right between the volume for the acoustic and the three-way eq for the acoustic on the regular Plus. I assume it's in a similar place on the mod. a round push-button recessed plastic button, If it's in, it's in mono mode, and the stereo cable won't do what you want. If it's out, it's stereo, and you're golden. Keep in mind, out is flush with the top of the guitar, in is not.

That make sense?

08-21-2008, 06:51 AM
On the C+ retro (mine is below) the mono/stereo button is located directly under the acoustic guitar volume knob. As Pietro mentioned that could be the issue. Also in stereo mode the three position silver toggle switch should be in the center position if you want to output both acoustic and electric. Make sure your cable is functioning properly as well. PS I'm only showing off my Crowdy for your reference not because I enjoy posting pics of it...ahem:cool:


08-21-2008, 07:07 AM
A real beauty!

08-21-2008, 11:53 AM
Right between the volume for the acoustic and the three-way eq for the acoustic on the regular Plus. I assume it's in a similar place on the mod. a round push-button recessed plastic button, If it's in, it's in mono mode, and the stereo cable won't do what you want. If it's out, it's stereo, and you're golden. Keep in mind, out is flush with the top of the guitar, in is not.

That make sense?

I had no idea about this recessed button, I feel so stupid. I always thought that that black circle was just filled in after the C+ mod, I didn't think it ever had a real function.

I will try this out on Sunday (I left my guitar at my church until then).

Thank you so much.