View Full Version : D String Getting Stuck In Trem

08-15-2008, 03:50 PM
I've changed my strings a few times on my DTC and the D string gets stuck in the trem block every time I remove the old strings. I use D'Addario 9's (EXL120's). To get the string out I have to stick a small screwdriver down in in the hole on the trem block.

Is there anything I can do to eliminate this problem? It's not such a big deal when I'm just changing my strings because they need changing but if I ever have to change a D sting on a gig it would be more of a problem I think.

08-15-2008, 04:16 PM
have never experienced that here. can you tell if it is the ball itself or the wrap that is getting stuck? and is it at the bottom of the hole near the baseplate or at the entry exit place at the back of the guitar?

John Price
08-15-2008, 07:13 PM
Thank You!
I just thought this happens to me!!!

I also have this problem and it happens on all of my Anderson Guitars! Well I'm down to just 2...... But it did happen with several of them. Sorry Tom!
It's not only the D that it happens on. The tension of the string tightens the ball end into the slot and gets stuck inside of the block! I made a special tool just for this situation especially for gigs! I've tried nut sauce but it didn't help the problem..... I wonder what the inside looks like?

I too use D'Addario strings!...

08-15-2008, 07:57 PM
john, since 2006 we have a different bridge, have yours been before or after that? is it when you break a string? or just a restring. i've changed thousands of sets of strings and never had it happen, but i've also never broken a string:confused:

John Price
08-15-2008, 09:00 PM
Hello Tom,

It happens when I change my strings. It's random when it comes to what ones will stick but when I cut the strings some of them will fall out and others will just get stuck in the slot. It gets so tight that if you try to push the string down into the hole it will just bend, so you have to insert something into the slot to push the ball end out. I can't really say exactly when this started to happen, I've been using you guitars for at least 10 years now and would have to say it's recent maybe within a year or so that it started to occur.

If I remember correctly It did it before you changes to the FerraGlides because I did break a lot of D's back then and that's why I came up with a little gadget to push the ball end out when I needed a quick fix for live gigs. Since the switch to FerraGlides I've broken just one! Not to bad A?

08-15-2008, 09:49 PM
have never experienced that here. can you tell if it is the ball itself or the wrap that is getting stuck? and is it at the bottom of the hole near the baseplate or at the entry exit place at the back of the guitar?

I've never broken a string so it's happening when I change them. I believe it's the ball that is getting stuck but I don't have any way to be sure. The string is stuck in the trem in the position it's in when it's tuned up so I guess it's right up against the base plate of the trem.

It's the same for me as for John, when I try to push the string out it just bends. I can stick a screwdriver thru the hole from the back of the guitar and tap the ball a couple times and it comes loose. None of the other strings get stuck.

Mines made in 2007.

08-15-2008, 09:49 PM
the blocks are 2 different mfg's so there's no common denominator between old and new. i would get a 1/16" or so allen driver, a screwdriver handle with a straight shaft. that would be easy to get in from the top and push out the ball end.

08-16-2008, 04:58 AM
My 08 ProAm does the same thing. Its the first time I have ever encountered the problem on any of the 18 or so Andys I've owned. I use D'Addario XLs, I wonder if a different manufacturer (SIT, GHS, etc.)would correct the problem? I take my saddle adjustment allen wrench and just push the ball back out from the top. Works pretty good, but I would have trouble changing on the fly. Ever try to find something that small in your guitar case?
Minor problem for a major guitar, and worth the trouble...

08-16-2008, 04:55 PM
Just a 2 cent question..... When restringing, do youz cut the string off at the bridge area before pushing through the rest? I have encountered that, but not often. I'll cut the string, after loosening the tension, at the nut end, (2 loops around my hand) and cut the 'tuner sqwished end' all in one move, and push and twist the string through the trem. The ball end has come through no probs lately and all has been good.
Two reasons I had to switch my method; one was the ball gave me an issue a couple of times and two, my cat at the time loved going for it!!!

08-17-2008, 09:37 AM
Just a 2 cent question..... When restringing, do youz cut the string off at the bridge area before pushing through the rest? I have encountered that, but not often. I'll cut the string, after loosening the tension, at the nut end, (2 loops around my hand) and cut the 'tuner sqwished end' all in one move, and push and twist the string through the trem. The ball end has come through no probs lately and all has been good.
Two reasons I had to switch my method; one was the ball gave me an issue a couple of times and two, my cat at the time loved going for it!!!

I don't cut my strings when I remove them. I loosen them, unlock them, pull the end out of the tuner and remove them from the guitar by pushing the string from the top of the guitar until the ball is beyond the trem block and then I pull the string out from the back. Been doing it that way for 40 years and I can't remember a string ever getting stuck in a trem block before.

Anderson is a great guitar and costs a lot of money. I'd expect not to have issues with a guitar that costs $3000.

09-04-2008, 12:59 AM
I get this problem from time to time and will check the hole where the ball end rests in the block for paint, plating, burrs, etc. Sometimes I will carefully grind the hole with a small stone Dremel bit.

09-04-2008, 10:28 AM
jack, have to talked to your dealer about looking at it? even over distance we should be able to figure out where a burr is over the phone.

09-04-2008, 12:08 PM
I used to use D'Addario XL 120's on all of my guitars. Recently, every single guitar I own with a vintage style trem (5 - only 1 is a TAG) started to get the sticking D-string. Guess what? I don't use D'Addario XL's anymore - Elixirs now - and they don't stick. Could be a coincidence.

09-04-2008, 12:17 PM
can anyone tell if it's the ball itself, or is it the way the string is wound around itself after attaching to the ball? if they are not trimming the string close enough to itself, it could be hanging up. the hole itself clears the ball diameter with plenty of room to spare.

09-04-2008, 01:09 PM
The only day I broke 2nd string in a live gig, the string was hanging up in the air (just a little bit down from saddle surface but not hanging up with saddle upper side).

The piece of string stayed there and I was hurry to continue, so I put another string with the rest of the broke one, so I think the hole is big enough, maybe tremolo block is a little soft and string "stuck" into it? (2004 classic guitar)

In the other hand I never had the same problem (never restringing too)

I hope this helps

09-04-2008, 01:36 PM
the blocks have been steel since about 2000, so i don't think it's softness.

09-04-2008, 01:41 PM
Maybe it's a stupid thing...
It could be a magnetic strengh between string and tremolo block?

09-04-2008, 10:39 PM
I used to use D'Addario XL 120's on all of my guitars. Recently, every single guitar I own with a vintage style trem (5 - only 1 is a TAG) started to get the sticking D-string. Guess what? I don't use D'Addario XL's anymore - Elixirs now - and they don't stick. Could be a coincidence.

I'll try a different brand of string on the next change see what happens. I've been using D'Addario's for a long, long time without issue, but maybe they recently changed their manufacturing process. Maybe I'll get in touch with them and see if anyone else has complained about it.

09-05-2008, 05:42 PM
Daddario strings have painted ball ends (color coded) and measure 0.002" to 0.003" larger in diameter than the GHS and Elixir strings I have in stock. I know that their newer strings have a plating (again, color coded) instead of paint, and may measure smaller. The next time I see a set I will measure them and post results. I have also seen this problem on guitars using the "bullet" style string ends.