View Full Version : Anxious wait

08-12-2008, 08:16 PM
Music Park in Western Australia are anxious awaiting on own biannual shipment of TAGs. . . . .

The tension is building and we're very excited. . . . we have customers foaming at the mouth to see what we've ordered this time. I am holding my breath waiting for my 2nd HDT . . .whew, it's exciting!!!!!!

08-13-2008, 10:34 AM
twice a year must be hard. i feel your pain.

08-13-2008, 10:55 PM
Thanks Tom . . . . . I'm the only staff here at Music Park who has one of your lovely guitars, so I take every opportunity to rub it in!

Can you imagine what it's like to get around 12 TAGs per annum . . . .FOR THE WHOLE OF AUSTRALIA???!!!!?!?!?!! And, they are so sought after that they're gone in about 2 weeks, plus you'll hardly ever see on the wall/floor of a guitar shop. It's a bittersweet love, but what doesn't destroy you makes you stronger!

I put my ear to ground and I reckon I can hear our shipment coming . . . . .

08-14-2008, 06:52 PM
What 12 varieties of TAG's did you order? Are they all "pre-sold"? Did you order any Atom CT's??

08-15-2008, 03:28 AM
Yes, the pain of ordering things from overseas. It's not too bad when the wait is still a long way off, but as it gets closer, the anxiety goes up. :)

I had the same thing when ordering an HCS. I was so excited when it arrived at the dealer in Canberra that I drove straight down (4 hours each way from where I live). Very exciting day it was. ;)

08-18-2008, 12:26 AM
What 12 varieties of TAG's did you order? Are they all "pre-sold"? Did you order any Atom CT's??

4 are presold I believe, and we have a list of guys we have to call when they get in. . . . for the most part, they are guitars we've specced up instore (what a job!!!!). There's a few HDT's, HDT Classics, Classics & a few Teles. . . no Atoms as yet.

Can't wait!