View Full Version : Ordered me some different TAG pickups

07-30-2008, 05:20 PM
In my two Drop Top guitar's bridge positions, I have an H3 and an H2+. I've ordered two H01+ pups to replace them because I want a more open, vintage humbucker tone from both guitars. I've probably ditched a dozen boost/OD pedals and a half a dozen amps because the tone clarity of my guitars didn't ride nicely with those previous amps; too mushy. I've come to realize it's probably the current pups.

Anyone else switch from modern/high gain output TAG pickups to more vintage TAG pups with no regrets?


07-30-2008, 06:59 PM
i've been flopping back and forth with humbuckers lately. i've been going back and forth with the HC1+ and the HC2. i love the 1+ for chording and cleaner stuff but the 2 just sounds so good for single note lines. i personally don't find a need for anything hotter than that, but it is so dependant on the rest of the rig. i've heard really hot pickups sound great with od boxes into clean amps. my amp is already breaking up, so the lack of headroom seems to work better with weaker pickups for me.

07-30-2008, 07:09 PM
Thanks Tom. Didn't see the HC series on the website. What are those?

I'm playing through a Dr.Z KT-45 at a fairly clean level boosted with various ODs/clean boosts but the current pickups still don't produce the treble clarity (to my ears). And I can forget about plugging into my Peavey 6505+. That amp has tons of gain as it is...

P.S.: I figured you being the owner of the company that you wouldn't have to swap pickups. You'd just pickup another guitar from your personal stash and plug it in. :D

07-30-2008, 07:59 PM
the hc's are a covered variant of the HO's. you should be real happy with the treble clarity with the ho's.
my goal is always to play one guitar and have it do all i need(i'm old and don't want to carry more than i need to).

07-30-2008, 08:49 PM
HC = covered. Thanks Tom. I'm excited about the H01's. I've been thinking about the change for a few weeks and a visit to my local TAG dealer assuring me they could easily order them/swap them out for me made me feel good about it.

Hey Bud, you're not old; at least you don't look old. :cool:

07-30-2008, 11:02 PM
I've been on a bridge pickup quest for a while. I like the H3 in my Drop Top for over the top 80's type sounds. But I ordered my HCS with an H2+ in the bridge (which sounds great for rock), but when I'm doing the clean thing it seems to be missing something in the middle.

So....I have an HW2 on order, an HO2 and HN2+ on the way also (they got lost in the mail a few months ago and have been found again), and an HO1+ in my top drawer. When the other pickups arrive, I'm going to have myself some serious A/B/C/D/E testing happening, followed I guess by some Ebay selling action.. ;)

I'm glad I narrowed it down to only 5. :D

07-30-2008, 11:28 PM
When the other pickups arrive, I'm going to have myself some serious A/B/C/D/E testing happening, followed I guess by some Ebay selling action.. ;)

I'm with ya. ;) Let me know how the shootout goes.

07-31-2008, 01:25 AM
I'm with ya. ;) Let me know how the shootout goes.
I don't think I could keep to myself the results of a test like that, even if I tried. :)

08-02-2008, 08:05 PM
Howdy, folks. For those of you who are into swapping out pickups, is anyone using solderless connectors to facilitate the process?

While I don't mind soldering, it would be very nice to be able to pre-attach connectors to the pickup wires to speed connecting the pups to the 5-way switch and other components. Also, should I want to disassemble a guitar for finishing touch-ups or other tweaks, the whole process would be much easier.

If someone is indeed using such critters, can you pass along the type of connector and a source? Thanks!
