View Full Version : Tuner swap

07-19-2008, 11:00 PM

I have a 1997 Hollow T Classic that has Grover non-locking tuners that I would like to replace with locking. Will the Grover "406 SERIES" tuners be a direct replacement? I know Grover offers several different series tuners, but I personally like the Locking Rotomatics. Thank you.

07-19-2008, 11:31 PM
the ones on there are the mini's so unless the 406 is a mini, you'll have to drill new screw holes.

07-20-2008, 09:44 AM
Thanks Tom,

The 406 series are the mini's, so I should be in good shape, thanks for the quick reply!

07-20-2008, 06:43 PM
is that the new one with the finger tightening wheel on the back?

07-21-2008, 04:39 PM
I ordered a set and they actually look a lot like the the ones that came stock on the guitar, except for the locking part. Here is the info from the website.

The same innovative engineering and classic design as the original Rotomatics, but with smaller buttons for 6-in-line guitars, or for those who prefer a little more space for their fingers. Gear ratio is 18:1.


07-21-2008, 05:14 PM
make sure they really are mini's and not mid size. the ones they've been making for the past 5 years or so are a little bigger and have the screw hole in a different location.

07-21-2008, 06:20 PM
I should get them on Wednesday, and will know then for sure, thanks again.

Ray K.
07-22-2008, 10:15 AM
The 406 series Grovers are the true Mini Locking Rotomatics. The 106 series are the honking full size Locking Rotomatics. Both have 18:1 ratio, no finger tightening knob on the backside. Just pull your string through the hole, start winding and the cam locks the string in place in no time. Simple and sweet!

I have both sizes on other guitars and much prefer them over other locking tuners. I just recently removed a set of Planet Waves from a used LP guitar I acquired and dropped in a set of Grover Locking tuners.

Ray K.

07-23-2008, 10:26 PM
Thanks Ray K. !

I have a set of the 406 on another guitar, and like you, I much prefer them to other "lockers" I have had in the past. I was not home today when they tried to deliver, but I will pick them up tomorrow.

07-24-2008, 04:40 PM
Well I received the tuners, and Tom was right about them not being the correct size (imagine that), and the mounting hole is in the wrong place. So now I am back to my original post of which locking tuners are a direct replacement, as I do not want to alter the original holes.

07-24-2008, 05:09 PM
i figured they were the mid size because of the 18:1 ratio. i saw an ad with a new mini locking with the tightening wheel on the bottom like a sperzel, but i don't know the part number. i looked on their site and it's not listed yet. maybe a phone call or email with reveal it to you.

07-24-2008, 05:53 PM
Even just looking at the Stewmac site, you can see three sizes of Grover Rotomatics, and how the mid and mini have different angles on the positioning screw hole. In the picture of the 'mini locking rotomatics', they look exactly like the mid-size non-locking ones. Either Grover are marketing those as 'mini' (even though they are not the same as the regular minis), or Stewmac made a mistake.

BTW, I went through the same process of trying to get some locking Rotomatics on my circa '98 Drop Top, but in the end couldn't find anything that would fit without redrilling holes. After that I decided that I really did like the split shafts after all! ;)

Oh well, most of the fun is in the quest. :)

07-24-2008, 06:01 PM
grover has been calling the mid size ones minis, so i think that's where the confusion comes from. i believe the new ad i saw said specifically real mini size.

07-24-2008, 06:14 PM

I have sent an email to Grover asking about the new tuners with the tightening wheel, I will post the reply when I receive it. I may just leave the original split shaft in place also pipedwho, I am not sure the quest is fun, but it certainly is a quest! Thanks again for the replies.

07-28-2008, 02:01 PM
I received the email response from Grover, and here is the info.

Our new Roto-Grip wheel lockers are available. Contact Allparts at www.allparts.com (www.allparts.com)

I called Allparts and they do have them in stock, but they are to new to even be listed on the website, the stock number is TK-7926. He said to type that number in the search field, and it should come up when they have them actually listed. Now for the bad news, they are not direct replacements for my stock non-locking Grovers. The very helpful sales person actually went and got a set of each for comparison. The TK-7926 is the same physical size as the 406, that I ordered earlier, and have the screw hole in the same place as the 406 also. He said that the reason for the larger tuner was the fact that the 18:1 gear that is inside is physically larger that the 14:1 gear on my non-locking, and the reason for the screw hole to be different also. So I am content to just leave the original non-locking tuners in place. Thanks for all the replies and help with this.

07-28-2008, 02:21 PM
interesting, the ad i saw specifically said mini, not mid size. seeing is believing.

Ray K.
07-29-2008, 02:03 PM
Well, I learned something today... :)

Thanks guys,
Ray K.