View Full Version : Funny Crowdster Story

04-04-2004, 08:22 AM
Took the Crowdy to a large music store nearby yesterday to plug into some amps. A couple sales guys there are really picky guitar players and they asked to play it. Player #1 just loves it, plays for quite a while through a blonde and says it's the best plugged in acoustic sound. He gets paged and leaves the amp room. Player #2 walks in (very, very, accomplished and picky as heck guitarist) And checks it out.
"Nice neck" "Wow, plays so easy" "Beautiful quilt" "Lemme' plug it in"
He plugs in and goes through a little variety of stuff and decides it sounds like an "acoustic similator" But not really very real.
I grab a Taylor 714ce off the wall with an ES and I tell him to play the Taylor and compare.
He he he he, he gets a little frustrated, he can't get as good a tone out of the Taylor, he keeps fiddlin' with all the ES knobs and messin with all the amp controls and I just chuckle ( I had already been through this at home with my own Taylors)
He finally gives in, sets the amp flat and plugs the Crowdy back in and plays some more. "We gotta get some of these" He says, I just laugh and say good luck! :)

Stan Malinowski
04-04-2004, 08:50 AM
Excellent story! Sort of proves the point about preconcieved opinions. Always best to try something and compare before you reach a decision.