View Full Version : Pickup height for soapbars...........

06-25-2008, 08:40 PM
Just got a new Cobra special with 3 soapbar PUPs. Love the sound of the pickups but, I think I'd like to lower the middle one just alittle so I don't keep hitting it with my pick. (Anyone else have this problem?)

Does the height screw allow the pickup to go down only so far? Probably more importantly-------at what point does the tone start to suffer?

Don't think I need much. I messed with it alittle and found the two screws were not turning very easy. Just don't want to mess up my new toy.

Thanks for any help.

06-25-2008, 10:52 PM
I think I'd like to lower the middle one just alittle so I don't keep hitting it with my pick. (Anyone else have this problem?)
I have an MMH Cobra S and have the same problem. :)

I've lowered the middle pickup just a little, which was enough to get the pickup out of my way. I also lowered the neck and bridge pickups to compensate. In my case, the tone seemed a little more mellow than I felt was ideal, but a few EQ tweaks on the amp fixed that. Now I'm a happy boy! :D

06-26-2008, 12:43 AM
you can lower it quite a bit before you run out of room. with the two screws so close together, you have to go a little at a time and you can't angle them much. tone usually gets softer when they get farther from the strings. adjust to taste.

06-26-2008, 08:00 PM
I think I'd like to lower the middle one just alittle so I don't keep hitting it with my pick. (Anyone else have this problem?)

I lowered the middle single coil in my DT due to the same problem.

06-26-2008, 10:23 PM
Well, I was able to lower it just alittle. It may be enough to make the difference , but man-------it really feels like I'm forcing those two screws to turn. I'm afraid to go any further for fear of stripping the threads. (or at least it feels that way)

To give you an idea, the pickup is sticking out from the body maybe a quarter of an inch, or so. That's why I was curious as to how far it can be brought down. It sure feels like I'm as far down as I can go.

06-26-2008, 11:22 PM
try pushing the pickup down with finger pressure. if the pickup moves freely, maybe the holes just aren't drilled deep enough to let it move down. if you can't push the pu down with finger pressure, it may be bottomed in the cavity, but it should go lower than that. maybe the lead wire is in the way?