View Full Version : M1 pickup questions

06-20-2008, 08:31 PM

I am intrigued by the M series pickups. I unfortunately do not know anyone with a guitar equipped with them, so I can't try them for myself.

The official TAG site has them listed as humbuckers, yet the description refers to single coils - albeit huge ones.

So... what do those pickups sound like? When I think huge single coils, I usually think P90s. Is that the case here as well?

Any info would be appreciated!

06-20-2008, 10:45 PM
They sound great. I did a bunch of clips with my Atom, if you want to hear them (of course, it's subjective to my setup, but gives a decent idea of how they sound compared to each other, and to full humbuckers in the bridge). The playing is pretty bad, but I was just trying to keep things simple and similar between clips, so the tone of the pickups themselves could be heard (b/c it's always hard for me to tell the differences in clips are where all kinds of different music is being played). http://www.marshallfbc.org/atom.html

IMO, they're GREAT pickups. Some folks have posted lately that they like them better for overdriven tones than clean, but I love their clean tone. Fat like a humbucker but clarity and spank like a single coil. Great stuff.

06-22-2008, 09:46 PM
Like hum canceling P - 90's. I have them in two guitars, a Cobra S and DTC. Love them.