View Full Version : Output jack location

06-09-2008, 08:48 PM
Good day folks...

1st time poster here. I don't own an Anderson...YET, but I recently put an order in for a custom Classic which I'll most definitely post pics of when it gets in my greedy hands. It should be a beaut.

By the way I gotta give a shout out to the dealer I ordered this through, who is Rick Hogue at Garrett Park Guitars in Annapolis. He was quick to answer questions and get back with me to get my order placed. Nice guy. Can't wait to meet him in person to pick the guitar up in September/October. Thanks Rick!

ANYHOO, I called Anderson up last week to ask this question, and the gal that answered the phone could only tell me "no, we don't do that", and "I don't know why not". So I thought I'd post the question here...

Does Anderson offer any output jack option on the face of the guitar, a la an actual Fender Strat, instead of on the side?? I obviously know the answer is "no" but then that begs the question, "Why not?" Is it a patent infringement? Is there a particular reason why Tom doesn't offer this? Some players might not like having the cable sticking from the front of the guitar but I actually think it looks kinda cool.

I was just curious. Thanks in advance for any answers. Can't wait to get my Ice Blue Classic!!

06-09-2008, 11:09 PM
our body is a little smaller with a sharper radius on the edge, and it just looks funny to me. if you use a cable with any heat shrink on it it can get in the way of the trem arm. i prefer the side jack with a right angle plug on the cable.

06-10-2008, 02:37 PM
From the man himself:p

and I have to agree whole heartedly.

I thought I liked the look of a strat and wasn't sure about the whole "jack in the side" bit, but after playing my Crowdy with a nice custom 90 degree "Lava Cable" I can't imagine going back to having that cable sticking out of the front of the guitar.

But, to each his own I suppose... however, in this case... HIS (Tom's) own is all you're gonna get:p

06-10-2008, 07:14 PM
I don't really have an opinion about the location of the cord plug.

But, I do have an opinion about the head guy answering a question about his guitars so rapidly on an on line forum!! That's pretty awesome!!

Kudos to you, Tom.

06-10-2008, 07:46 PM
Indeed! Thanks Tom! I just assumed the bodies were the same size. I appreciate the quick response!


06-10-2008, 07:52 PM

Consider Tom's Classic a refinement of a Classic, i.e., how good you make some great even greater. I have found his designs of where he puts the controls on the mark from a player's perspective. Why, in sum, it works better.

06-10-2008, 08:23 PM
I only have one TAG unlike many here but it is indeed a very special instrument . I have found Tom to be very helpful, approachable, down to earth, etc... . Its a definate family feeling , owning a TAG .

06-10-2008, 10:14 PM
I very much prefer the jack on the guitar face for sitting down playing...the side jack gets jammed up on my leg in that case. But for tonal purposes (yes), looks, and trem use, I like the side jack. And + 1 billion about Tom posting here. Great customer service and a great guy to boot.