View Full Version : H3+ pickup

06-02-2008, 10:58 PM
Would the H3+ give a thicker sound than a H2+?Trying to thicken up a Cobra S alittle more.Thanks.

06-03-2008, 07:01 AM
I'm having a similar problem. I have an H2+ in my Hollow Cobra S which sounds great for cleaner spanky stuff, but I have to heavily EQ it to get the heavy crunch sounds that my Drop Top gets easily with its H3. It may be that I haven't worked out how to set the amp for this guitar and that kind of tone, or it might be that there is a better pickup for that type of sound.

However, I was thinking of going the other way and swapping in a H01+ that I have laying around. That and a little more gain at the amp may get the heavy rock sound. If I go in the other direction, maybe an H3 or hotter would do the trick.

With the H2+ I have to roll the tone about half way down to get a good crunch sound, but it still seems to be missing something compared to my other guitars.

So, I too am on the tone quest to get this Cobra S bringing on the rock. :)

Any ideas? Anyone?

06-03-2008, 07:40 AM
I swapped the H2+ for a HO2 in my Cobra S which I like better. Still missing some "umph" .Have not tried a HO1+ but could pull it out of my Hollow Cobra to experiment.I took out the H1- in the neck and tried a HO1- which I like better. The HO1- in the neck of my Hollow Cobra is SWEET woman tone with tone rolled off.I can't get the same with the Cobra S.Seems less dynamic.I'm curious on what would be the best pickup choice for a CHUNCKY THICK tone.Anyone have an H3 in the bridge of a Cobra S?

06-03-2008, 10:19 AM
Have you tried adjusting the height of the pick up closer in to the strings. I have found raising the pick ups alittle dramatically increases the umph factor

06-03-2008, 10:42 AM
closer is better for better attack.
i am always mystified when people say an h2+ is too bright. in my rig it's too dark for me. but i guess that's the point, our rigs are all different. the h3 does have a bit more top and bottom compared to an H2+.
to me when pickups get too hot you start to lose definition, so even adding more gain or level they don't cut through as well. if your amp is pushed then a hotter input doesn't necessarily translate to a bigger sound. if your amp has the headroom it can hang together even with a gained out sound.

06-03-2008, 03:04 PM
Here is my experience with those two pickups.

I find that the H2+ works a bit better in guitars that have more midrange character which in my experience are also the ones on the lighter side of the weight spectrum (not including hollow models). Conversely, the H3 seems to be a bit more compatible with heavier bodied guitars that have more of a bias toward highs and lows. Overall the H3 seems to be a bit less dynamic to me...the H2+ is as hot as like.

I have been using the H2+ as my main gigging pickup for hard rock since '88 and continue to do so to this day. The only time that I typically change that up is when it just isn't quite right for a particular instrument...then I make changes according to my perception of the tonal issue.

Mister T
06-04-2008, 09:53 AM
I have a heavy rock cover band and a country band....use H2+ pickups in both and have no problems at all.

I have a Duncan Bug-sey Bucker (a JB with an Alnico 2 Magnet) in my Les Paul that comes along to all the gigs. Similar output to the H2+ but the H2+ just has more cut and balls...and it is in an Alder bodied Classic.

I like the mids on the H2+ more than the H3 or H3+....more lyrical in my setups.

06-04-2008, 10:11 AM
I recently changed my H3 to an H2+ . The H3 was just more than i needed . Happier with the H2+

06-05-2008, 11:52 AM
Have you tried adjusting the height of the pick up closer in to the strings. I have found raising the pick ups alittle dramatically increases the umph factorDeja vu! I encountered the same issue with my H2+ equipped Cobra S. Thought about PUP swapping, but after a few twists of the screwdriver the tone went from fair to fabulous. Experimenting is fast, simple, and free, so have at it.

- DB

06-09-2008, 03:07 AM
I love my H3+.

You can drive the output pretty much from the guitar volume. Highly versatile, especially if you occasionally need the blistering output of a hot PU. Although the H3+ are the highest output, they don't lose any definition with my Boogie Roadster. . . . very juicy. . . . :D