View Full Version : DCB Concert

03-31-2004, 03:29 AM
Fellow Anderson brothers,

I have to report, after attending the David Crowder Band concert at Azuza Pacific University, on the Crowdster guitar. The word is nothing short of amazing. The guitar cut through flawlessly and of course no feedback. The DCB front of house and stage volume was very loud, unfortunately it was a little sub heavy. Still despite the out of balance FOH the Crowdsters tone compared to the best Pre-war Martin with a Telefunken at the 12th fret. In your face presence. All the richness you could ask for, with the articulation and percussive tone where you could hear every strike of the pick. This would be amazing still at medium volume, but at volumes that could peel paint the Crowdster doesn't lose one stitch of tone. Both electric players in the band sport Andersons. Newest member I believe named Jason played Silver Metal-Flake Cobra with the Hum/M-2/M-1 pick ups. Unfortunatly he was down to far in the mix to hear the new guitar. I believe
Tom brought it down for a test drive. With the encores over I
saw Tom behind the board. I said," You must be so proud of the Crowdster." He replied," I really am." His expression of humble contentment of a job well done... said it all. Cudo to Tom and Co. you always amaze, the Crowdster is the finest single invention since CF Martin built the first Dreadnought.

Jimmie B

PS DCB was equally amazing. These guys have redefined Worship band music, and are the freshed thing since I first heard Jars of Clay.

03-31-2004, 11:18 AM
thanks jimmie,
it was great to se you there. the subs were fine with me. you should have heard sound check, it was even louder, but man was it clean. some of the best drum sounds i've heard. son of anderson is a drummer now and was mightily impressed with bwack's sound. it's a good thing you weren't paying too close attenton to the guitar jason was playing, it was not a cobra, but my new guitar, so the secret is still safe.

03-31-2004, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by jimmieb
Fellow Anderson brothers,

PS DCB was equally amazing. These guys have redefined Worship band music, and are the freshed thing since I first heard Jars of Clay.

Thanks for the concert info./news about TA guitars. BTW-what does the Crowder band sound like (comparable to ??)? I generally do not like Christian music at all (just way too bland and generic for me) so I'm curious as to what DCB sounds like.

03-31-2004, 02:10 PM
not bland, not generic. loud, lots of loops, creative lyrics, lots of electric guitars.

03-31-2004, 02:28 PM
Are they classified as rock, pop, alternative and who do they sound like (compared to secular bands?)? Thanks.

Son of Anderson
03-31-2004, 03:39 PM
they are fairly hard to classify. becuase of their incoorporation of loops in both their live shows as well as their records, it has a rock vibe with a twist of pop culture. i hate using the term "pop" becuase it really doesnt do them justice. for exampe, they have 2 electric guitar players (one of which plays keyboard as well), a dj (whom also plays electric violin), Crowdster lead, attack focused drummer who loves his cymbals and kick drum, bassist obviously, and 4 of 6 members are all qeuipped with looping software as well as triggering devices for significant effect.

to sum up, i really dont know how to classify them. but i do know that it defies the typical christian band mold.

03-31-2004, 04:15 PM
Thanks for the info. I'll check out one of those cd websites and take a listen to their sound samples.

03-31-2004, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Are they classified as rock, pop, alternative and who do they sound like (compared to secular bands?)? Thanks.

If I might pipe in... They are percussively driven, yet still melodically balanced. The drummer is impecable. David is an extremely accomplished guitarist... very clever rhythm patterns... I guess you could say they are hook driven... I give up! They are great musicians all and defining them is like labeling a band like Bela Fleck and the Flecktones, they sound nothing like them. Sometimes they have a little Dave Matthews vibe, they are harder and of course the loops. The looping is he most clever and tasteful Ive ever heard, normally I don't care for it but DCB uses it so well it's like a separate instrument. I think what I appreciated apart from their obvious talent, is David is a wonderful entertainer and still he meshes the spiritual, you walk away having worshiped God, laughed and just had a great inspiring time.

Jimmie B

04-01-2004, 12:07 AM
Originally posted by tom
thanks jimmie,
it was great to se you there. the subs were fine with me. you should have heard sound check, it was even louder, but man was it clean. some of the best drum sounds i've heard. son of anderson is a drummer now and was mightily impressed with bwack's sound. it's a good thing you weren't paying too close attenton to the guitar jason was playing, it was not a cobra, but my new guitar, so the secret is still safe.

The drums were great. What about those breaks... I've never heard a band stop and start so flawlessly ie...Intoxicating, the break before the la la la's. Bwack you must mean the snare. So... how long do we need to wait for the news on the new one? When do you sleep? or should I ask do you dream about guitars as well? Most people would be content to reivent guitars once but you... Do you have any thoughts on the guitar that will lead worship in heaven? I have a feeling it will have an "A" on the headstock... Maybe there'll be one of Bob's guitars too.

04-01-2004, 11:38 AM
bwhack is the drummer's nickname. jeromy bush..bushwhacker...bwhack.
it will probably be a month or so till we release info on the guitar. i still have a few details to work out. as for heaven, somehow i don't think the brand will matter.

04-01-2004, 05:19 PM
What is this new guitar you speak of.
I can't believe I'm the last to know.......as usual.

Son of Anderson
04-01-2004, 07:04 PM
and i was one of the first! the joys of living with the creator =]

04-01-2004, 07:08 PM
brian, i think you know what i am talking about. when it is ready, we'll show everyone.
creator sounds just a bit to large for me, but i'll take.

04-01-2004, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by tom
brian, i think you know what i am talking about. when it is ready, we'll show everyone.
creator sounds just a bit to large for me, but i'll take. I was playing dumb, which I do so well.
Creator is a little sci/fi-ish, but you make nice guitars.

04-05-2004, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by tom
somehow i don't think the brand will matter.

Maybe, I was just hoping to bring one of my Andies there. Hey if the little drummer boy, can bring his kit! Then again where would you plug in the amp. Probably a silly notion?

Jimmie B

04-06-2004, 08:36 AM
I'm curious...what amps/pedals do the electric guys play through live?


04-07-2004, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by scottiK
I'm curious...what amps/pedals do the electric guys play through live?

I know there's a lot of wah used but Tom might better answer you question. I got there later and it was pretty crowded, no stage acess. Tom was there for sound check he probably knows... He seems to becoming quite the pedal expert after reading some of his posts.

Jimmie B

04-07-2004, 10:01 AM
jack and jason both have fairly extensive pedal boards. i believe they both list their equipment on their site davidcrowderband.com they both have the dl4 and modulation equiv, several boosts and distortions, wah. jason plays stereo with a dc30 and a 2x12 30 watt orange amp. jack has a bad cat cub head a nd a 2x12 boogie recto cab. mike runs his fiddles through an equal number of pedals including a whammy soon to be through a lonestar. jack's main guitar is a hollow drop top classic and also uses a prs, tele, and jj sitar. jasons main guitar is a les paul and also uses a tele, gretch and jj baritone. soon to own the anderson beast.

04-07-2004, 10:35 AM
Thanks Tom. I guess I just didn't dig enough on the site to find it...went there after your post and found all the specs on their gear.

We do a LOT of their tunes at church and I've always wondered what they are using. I keep having conflicts when they are playing near me and haven't seen them live yet. I did get to see Chris Tomlin and some of the passion guys though.

Thanks again!


04-07-2004, 11:46 AM
you gotta see them. it is amazing that they can get all that stuff going live. they even expand on some of it, very creative. crowder did a loop thing with the dl4 with his crowdster and an accordion on entoxicating. it was really cool.

04-12-2004, 11:27 PM
The most amazing thing about DCB live is their sound. Their production is unbelievable. As for the new guitar, the sound was amazing.

Tom, are we going to see an Anderson "Hogster" violin for Hogan anytime soon? ;)

Son of Anderson
04-12-2004, 11:28 PM

my roomate is a genius