View Full Version : Trip to Austin or new TAG for 50th Bday?

Kid Metric
05-25-2008, 07:34 AM
What would you do given the choice?
For my 50th birthday, I have these two choices.
Cost would be close to the same.
Input, please!

05-25-2008, 07:48 AM
I'd get the TAG. You can watch Austin City Limits!

Just kidding. If you have a TAG or two already that is a kind of tough choice. Everyone needs a vacation. And I am VERY partial to spending time in Central Texas.

Good luck with whatever is your choice!

05-25-2008, 08:07 AM
My vote is to go to Austin and buy a TAG while you're there;)

05-25-2008, 08:34 AM
I live in Texas. It's hot here right now.

Get a TAG. :D

05-25-2008, 09:57 AM
Hmmm... the decision between "collecting things vs. memories"
is always a tough call especially with the personal date significance of your
50th Bday.

How about order the TAG with your birthday designated as serial #
and do a "stay-cation" ( do some memorable fun things closer to home)?

Oh yes- Happy 50th!

05-25-2008, 11:59 AM
go with the new TAG everytime!!:D
with the trip, you can't regret what you can't experience.

Mister T
05-25-2008, 02:12 PM
Have to be honest here...I'd take traveling to a place I have never visited over a new guitar.

Even if that guitar is an Anderson.

05-25-2008, 02:44 PM
we don't travel nearly as much as my wife would like to, and i've really enjoyed the trips we have made. we were in new orleans 2 weeks before katrina, and i'm really glad we went when we did. i think i'd do travel too. you can always get a guitar.

05-25-2008, 03:22 PM
The best would be to travel to visit TAG, and picking out a new TAG. Now that would be the best of both. Now that would be both memorable and musical.

05-25-2008, 04:10 PM
Have to be honest here...I'd take traveling to a place I have never visited over a new guitar.

Even if that guitar is an Anderson.
+1 --- if the trip is to somewhere like Europe, Asia, etc.

But Austin???? :confused:

05-25-2008, 04:21 PM
If Austin is the choice to see family/relatives, that's one thing. But if it's just for its own sake, I would agree with others that you could find better places to go. Nothing wrong with Austin (or Texas in general), but for something special like a birthday trip, there are more "fun"(?) places to visit.

You can't put a price on memories that will be created on a trip. On the other hand, once it's over, you can't play your memories the way you can a TAG!

Kid Metric
05-25-2008, 06:19 PM
A top notch Anderson would last forever-I really dig the idea of going to tour the TAG facilty, hopefully meet Tom & Roy, and everyone else that has been so helpful in pursuing my dreams.
Could I hand pick what I wanted in a new TAG, and buy it through Jack at Magdon?
I'm thinking the answer would be yes!
Input, once again!
Birthday in July!
By the way, I live in Traverse City, Michigan, and we have the Blue Angels performing for the 4th of July Weekend. Whoever is close, come check out the monster birds. In 2006 they were here and broke the sound barrier over the beach, and cracked 6 store front windows!
They didn't injure anyone, and paid for the damage, but a lot of the stores that did not have big windows did not break ,but bowed out so far the owners coudn't believe they didn't shatter!
Has anyone ever done a tour of TAG, and ordered a guitar?
How cool would that be!
I see Robben Ford does clinics in that proximity/like within 100 miles/and that might be super cool too.
He's a monster, words don't describe his talent.
Your thoughts, please!

Mister T
05-25-2008, 06:25 PM
Travel is experience and that can't be lost, stolen or sold.

I think living life > bying a guitar.

As for Europe or whatever being more of an experience than Austin? That depends on where you have been and where you are from.

Kid Metric
05-25-2008, 06:31 PM
You are correct-We have traveled a ton in the Carribean, but not much in Europe.
Vacations are the stuff you will think about when you are too old too do it anymore-
"God, wasn't that cool!"
All part of aging, I guess!

05-25-2008, 10:06 PM
I spent a lot of time in Austin for work a few years ago and it's a great place to see but I don't think there is enough to see there to base a whole vacation on it. However you could spend some time in Austin and some time in San Antonio. Gotta warn you though, it will be brutally hot and humid there in July.

I'd take travel to somewhere I haven't been or back to somewhere that I really liked over buying a new guitar. Pics, vids and memories of a great vacation will bring you much joy.

05-25-2008, 11:12 PM
I see Robben Ford does clinics in that proximity/like within 100 miles/and that might be super cool too. He's a monster, words don't describe his talent.I took a Robben Ford Clinic. It was a mind blowin' experience. I was the first to go up and play with him, talk about being nervous! I did fine, but can't remember one lick I played. The other guys said, I did great. Robben is one of the most humble, outgoing guys around. Do it if you can, you'll never forget that!

Oh, Travel is my suggestion, a new TAG is 2nd. They'll always be more TAG's to order later.

05-26-2008, 12:18 AM
As for Europe or whatever being more of an experience than Austin? That depends on where you have been and where you are from.
Well I've been to both. Europe wins!

Road King
05-26-2008, 12:22 AM
Your 50th is quite the special birthday, so even though Austin is probably my favorite city in the Lone Star State (as a subdued choir version of "Texas our Texas" permeates the background), either go somewhere cooler than Austin, or take the TAG. Personally, if I had the choice, I would take the TAG. But I've been to Austin a whole lotta times.
Happy Birthday, whatever you decide to do may you enjoy it to the hilt.

05-26-2008, 12:28 AM
Gotta admit I am jaded. I spend 25-30% of my year on the 'road'. Travelling nowadays is so much of a hassle due to the security check-in and added waits (necessary I realize). I'm an AA Admirals club member and must fly internationally at least 4-6x/year to both Asia and Europe. Just returned from Brisbane, on Wednesday (but still managing to post at the Anderson Forum from the lounges 'round the world!:p ) and it was a 16 hour flight from hell - getting home to the family is the best part of travelling for me. TAG over travel ANY day of the week.

blues junkie
05-26-2008, 03:30 PM
I would personally get a new TAG. BUT if you have to go to Austin,you might want to check out Red Iron Amps & Austin Speaker Works.:D

Kid Metric
05-26-2008, 05:41 PM
Well, it seems to me;

My wife and I like to travel together, so I could do any city with her company.
Which, by the way, I hope you share the same with your special someone.

She is my best buddy, and she jumped off the devil's shovel when we got married.

I had been playing out since 1980, and in 1991, we hooked up. I dragged her out on the dance floor with my wireless Nady, and slow danced to "Every Rose has it's Thorn."
My mom said I couldn't have got a nicer girl if I ordered her out of a catalog, and she was right.
She wants me to do what makes me happy, and how cool is that!
One thought sticks out-how cool would it be to have a TAG that was built on your 50th birthday?
I am leaning heavy towards this.
Please , more input, and it is greatly appreciated!

05-26-2008, 06:28 PM
Just remember, the wife may be asking, but she's probably thinking how nice it would be to get away together, just the two of you. If you go for the TAG, make sure you still plan a getaway together. Maybe even a short drive to a Bed-N-Breakfast...that always wins you big points!;)

05-26-2008, 11:03 PM
When I was younger, I would save up money every year to go somewhere for spring break but when the time came, I would go buy a guitar instead. Now at 40 I put more value on seeing new things and having new experiences...material items don't seem quite as important as they once did (although I'm still addicted to nice guitars).

Mister T
05-26-2008, 11:28 PM
Well I've been to both. Europe wins!

Hard (impossible really) to compare a Continent with many different cultures/histories with one city.

05-26-2008, 11:56 PM
Hard (impossible really) to compare a Continent with many different cultures/histories with one city.

More than different cultures within an entire continent? Austin is a cool city, but you can't drive a couple of hours and be in an entirely different country.

05-27-2008, 06:30 AM
Hard (impossible really) to compare a Continent with many different cultures/histories with one city.
I couldn't agree more.

05-27-2008, 09:44 AM
More than different cultures within an entire continent? Austin is a cool city, but you can't drive a couple of hours and be in an entirely different country.

I'm a homer, so take all of this with a rim of salt, but the variation in Texas landscapes is amazing. Beaches, mountains, deserts, evergreen forests, hill country, etc. Two hours from Austin could put you in Waco, San Antonio, Kerrville, Fredericksburg or Houston. All very different towns.

Again, I'm a bit biased y'all.

That being said. I still take the guitar. :)

05-27-2008, 10:23 AM
I'm a homer, so take all of this with a rim of salt, but the variation in Texas landscapes is amazing. Beaches, mountains, deserts, evergreen forests, hill country, etc. Two hours from Austin could put you in Waco, San Antonio, Kerrville, Fredericksburg or Houston. All very different towns.

Again, I'm a bit biased y'all.

That being said. I still take the guitar. :)

My thoughts exactly. There is so much to do, so much history. Music is great. People are fabulous. It is a place you will not encounter anywhere else in the US. It is not like anywhere else.

One other thing I learned a few years back. Birthday's are times for others to celebrate having you around. My feeling is that there will always be guitars made. But only one 50th that you could make into a MEMORABLE experience.

I would vote for the trip, regardless of where you go.

05-27-2008, 11:02 AM
I have bought guitars and amps while on vacations around the country several times. The vacation mimento GAS theory.

Get the TAG with birthday serial number. Have the guitar sent to a store in Austin where you pick it up on your vacation.

More expensive, but it covers both bases of what you want to do for your birthday.

05-27-2008, 11:18 AM
My suggestion: Get the birthday serial # TAG, and go on a short(er) vacation closer to home. Best of both worlds. Austin will still be there for a future visit. Of course, you could also get a birthday serial # TAG later on, but it won't be the same (and that's assuming it's not used by then).

Mister T
05-28-2008, 01:27 AM
More than different cultures within an entire continent? Austin is a cool city, but you can't drive a couple of hours and be in an entirely different country.

you can in Europe

Kid Metric
05-28-2008, 06:43 AM
My birthday falls on a Monday this year, and I think TAG's shop is only open Teusday through Friday.
Tom, does that affect production?
Do they work on Monday?
My birthday is this summer.

05-28-2008, 10:47 AM
the guys don't work on mondays, but we use most all the dates.

05-29-2008, 12:02 PM
Get the TAG
Austin will always be there for the future. It is a cool town but I guess it is whatever goes the deepest into your soul, a vacation with great memories or the guitar of your dreams.

Kid Metric
05-31-2008, 07:47 PM
I have $3000 to work with-trip, guitar, clinic, etc.
I have been having a blast with all your input-let me have it!
Obviously, up or down, money wise, if it's close, it works.
A thought I had was a trip to LA check out the scene there, versus Austin.
Please let me know your thoughts.
I see Scott Henderson plays a lot around there-does any like "Dog Party?"
I have all his stuff, but I know he is a Suhr fellow-I had one, and it was lacking color in the sound, very sterile-I traded that for 04-28-03A-through another dealer-and it was a great deal!
Once again, I love your input!
Hit me, man!

Road King
05-31-2008, 09:22 PM
It's been 30 years since I've been to LA. And I'm OK with that.;)

05-31-2008, 11:02 PM
LA is a dump (I can say that because I grew up there), but the areas surrounding it are beautiful though overcrowded. Plus you could always visit Tom & Co, it's not that far at all. Of course, good luck going out there and visiting the TAG shop and NOT getting a birthday guitar too...you'd better plan for a bit more money!

Kid Metric
06-03-2008, 06:36 AM
I called Jack from Magdon yesterday to get the particulars.
I am leaning towards a HDT, either Tiger's Eye, or Burnished Orange,
H1-, SA1, H2+, Switcheroo, and take the upcharge for the special quilted Maple top, Alder body.
Rosewood fretboard, painted head stock, trem.
One question-is the H1- muddy at all?
I had a Duncan 59 in an ESP, and that lacked a bit of clarity.
How does the H1- compare to the Duncan?
Once again, your thoughts are welcome!
Tom said I could use my Bday as the serial number-now how cool is that!

06-03-2008, 08:38 AM
I don't know if the term muddy could be used to describe any of the Anderson pickups. I have that pickup in 2 of my Andersons, and find that I appreciate the clarity of it's sound when compared to others. I have a prs that I find it's neck pup is a little dark, but I've adjusted to it's sonic properties. I think you'll find that most if not all the anderson pickups have great clarity regardless of output. That's just one of the many things that I love about TAG's.

06-03-2008, 10:21 PM
For my 50th my wife arranged a trip to France with my sisters and their husbands. It was a transitional period in my life and the trip was intended to provide a new "launch." I'd been to Europe a gazillion times on business, but never on vacation. We spent a week in Provence, and then three days on the Riviera. Oh, and on my birthday my bride gave me a Rolex. I am the last guy in the world who would wear a Rolex...upon leaving the corporate world I live in jeans and, when I go to work in my new profession, Dockers.

The reason I bring this up is that, while the trip was awesome, I have a reminder of the event that I wear on my wrist every day. Kind of like a TAG, it's a physical reminder of a time in my live that I cherish.

So here's my suggestion: Instead of Austin, go to LA and visit the wonderful folks at TAG. Plane fare will be way cheaper. Stay up north of LA and relax with your honey. Make sure you celebrate the first five decades of your life and, when your guitar arrives, let that remind you of all that you've done for this world. Don't worry about the date on the neck plate...

Congratualtions, and best wishes for many more decades of music and joy!