View Full Version : New Atom?

05-17-2008, 12:55 PM
So close to the release of the Carved tops;should I wait?? Worried that if I bought one now that the resale later would take a beating. Any thoughts? Will the carve top replace the existing line of Atoms??I'm tired of my Les
Pauls and want to replace it with an Atom.

05-17-2008, 03:12 PM
I wouldn't let resale value be a factor. Determine if you'd prefer the carved top or not, and if so, it will be worth any wait. You'll be glad you did.

05-17-2008, 07:04 PM
I wouldn't let resale value be a factor. Determine if you'd prefer the carved top or not, and if so, it will be worth any wait. You'll be glad you did.

Great advice.

Road King
05-17-2008, 08:24 PM
+1 :cool: Go for what turns you on. For me I would wait on the carved top, because carved top guitars make me all tinggly.....wait, that was probably TMI.:o

05-17-2008, 11:40 PM
they are very different animals so i'm sure we'll do both.

05-18-2008, 12:51 PM
they are very different animals so i'm sure we'll do both.

Sweet. This is exactly how I'll explain the need for a CT to my wife...


05-18-2008, 06:46 PM
Tom, how is the CT atom comparing to the cobras in terms of tone?

Dave K
05-18-2008, 09:32 PM
Tom, how is the CT atom comparing to the cobras in terms of tone?

Or the single cut from that G----n company we don't dare mention? :D

05-19-2008, 06:15 PM
Love my TAG - classic. I want to find a twin humbucker that leans toward a classic LP with all the playability and quality of my TAG.

05-19-2008, 06:40 PM
ct is very different from the cobra and atom. i've been only playing ct's since the beginning of the year so i haven't been comparing to other models much yet. last weekend i took my bigsby equipped atom special cause i thought there was going to be lots of trem in the set. i was right and had a wonderful time playing that guitar. i played the ct for early morning sound check and was struck how different it did sound after playing the spec the night before. the special had a softness to the attack that was really sweet. the ct has a much faster and more solid attack, much like i've heard others describe what rosewood necks do. more aggressive, more girth but not necessarily deeper bass, just largeness. we did a little comparing to a pretty nice paul here and largeness was in both, but the ct had extra stuff around the note. the bridge pu in particular had so much more going on. tim pierce commented that the les paul bridge pickup can be nasel and was not getting that from the ct.
it's very difficult to compress all that i feel when playing a guitar into over used superlatives, so i think it will be best for all to play a carve top when we start shipping them in june. we'll be doing about 20 of them in the first 6 weeks or so of release and they are disbursed pretty well across the country. of course as we get closer roy will talk in gotw about his experience with the guitars. we're hoping to include some of what tim has experienced with his. he ended up buying the carve top and a special and has been using them on tons of records.

05-19-2008, 09:45 PM
Very interesting. Which pickups were in the ct?

05-20-2008, 10:02 AM
we've made new ones for the ct and they have a very interesting new twist. we'll talk more about them later.

05-20-2008, 06:07 PM
Given their scale length similarities, Tom, I would appreciate your thoughts on tone comparisons with the Cobra (at least I have minimal contact there) as you go forward. I appreciate it is a work in progress, but I am sooo ready to make a move.

05-20-2008, 06:39 PM
to me cobra's live in the middle land between fender and gibson town. i believe they share some of the best of each kind of giving them their own voice in the world. the ct leans way harder towards gibson town without crossing into the things i don't like about that place.

05-20-2008, 08:04 PM
to me cobra's live in the middle land between fender and gibson town. i believe they share some of the best of each kind of giving them their own voice in the world. the ct leans way harder towards gibson town without crossing into the things i don't like about that place.

Thats an interesting reply about Gibson town . I never thought of my Cobra quite the way you described them but who knows them better than you ? I view mine as an awesome sounding instrument with its own voice .

05-20-2008, 08:07 PM
i was implying that the cobra has it's own voice.

05-20-2008, 08:12 PM
And a very nice voice i might add ! Hows the weather on the west coast ? Warm and thunder storms here at the moment .

05-21-2008, 10:28 AM
blistering hot over the weekend. now it's our boring middle 70's with a little morning coastal fog.

05-21-2008, 12:10 PM
Funny how most of us get bored with our own weather . Middle 70s sound wonderful to me . Here in SC you can expect between 80 - 100 for most of the summer . Can get extremely humid as well . Having lots of family in the UK I absolutely love getting in that climate, going over February 2009 . Living in a subtropical climate when i do go on holiday/vacation I tend not to go for tropical destinations .

05-22-2008, 01:41 PM
Well my order is in for a new CT ATOM.I will wait to give details but it has been a long time since I have been this stoked. I will give a hint in that I do not recall seening a TAG in this color scheme. Should be here somtime in June.

05-22-2008, 04:21 PM
the ct leans way harder towards gibson town without crossing into the things i don't like about that place.

oh my, there are sooooo many thoughts/images that this conjures up!:D Good thing we're on the Anderson forum, where minding one's P's and Q's is the norm!:p ;)

05-22-2008, 08:27 PM
Wow you pulled the trigger. Have you talked pickups with Roy et al yet? Can't wait for the tone report. Hey Tom, send one to Indoor storm so I can get an audio file!

05-22-2008, 10:00 PM
I chose the new pickups without covers which are made for this new Atom.I believe they are the HW2s.As I understand it the first CT Atoms will have covers.I just sold my '68 RI Gibson Les Paul Custom to help fund this project.I will let you know that it has a Brazilian fingerboard and a matching headstock.

05-22-2008, 10:27 PM
That sounds so sweet!!!! :D

Dave K
05-23-2008, 05:55 PM
the ct leans way harder towards gibson town without crossing into the things i don't like about that place.

Can you share what you don't like or were trying to avoid with the CT?
How about the sound you're looking to create?
Thanks,Tom. ;)

05-23-2008, 06:23 PM
i love guitars that are in tune.
i love guitars that stay in tune.
i love guitars that balance nicely on a strap and in my lap.
i don't like guitars with sharp edges that my forearm has to rest on.
i like my body to feel connected to the guitar both as it rests against me and the way my right arm approaches the strings.
i like guitars that can cover many bases sonicly. they don't have to have 21 subtle variations, but i do like it when i don't have to change guitars a lot, preferably not at all in a set. 4-5 really usable sounds is nice.
i believe you can have really solid, cutting rock tones and pretty, sweet tones from the same guitar.
i don't believe that one guitar can be the end all for all people, but i do believe some people can have their cake and eat it too.
i believe that some people can be totally happy with a les paul, and that's what they should play.

05-23-2008, 06:31 PM
i love guitars that are in tune.
i love guitars that stay in tune.
i love guitars that balance nicely on a strap and in my lap.
i don't like guitars with sharp edges that my forearm has to rest on.
i like my body to feel connected to the guitar both as it rests against me and the way my right arm approaches the strings.
i like guitars that can cover many bases sonicly. they don't have to have 21 subtle variations, but i do like it when i don't have to change guitars a lot, preferably not at all in a set. 4-5 really usable sounds is nice.
i believe you can have really solid, cutting rock tones and pretty, sweet tones from the same guitar.
i don't believe that one guitar can be the end all for all people, but i do believe some people can have their cake and eat it too.
i believe that some people can be totally happy with a les paul, and that's what they should play.


Well said Tom. That's worthy of being a mission statement on your website!

05-23-2008, 06:44 PM
Sounds like I will just be waiting for my final specs.

05-23-2008, 06:46 PM

Well said Tom. That's worthy of being a mission statement on your website!

I agree that was very, very well said.

05-23-2008, 06:54 PM
you guys are too much. i really wasn't trying to write a thesis. i just think that too often we get caught up in features and jargon and forget about why we got into guitars in the first place.

Son of Anderson
05-23-2008, 08:15 PM
you guys are too much. i really wasn't trying to write a thesis. i just think that too often we get caught up in features and jargon and forget about why we got into guitars in the first place.

To rock socks off with face melting solos!!!

Dave K
05-24-2008, 03:24 PM
You stated it so well,Tom. Probably why so many of us love our TAGs. ;)

05-28-2008, 05:16 PM
My Cobra, with three M's, seems closer to to Strat than Gibson. It really is a unique sound and that really threw me for a while becasue I kept trying to find my favorite old sounds I am used-to in a strat/TA classic. Mine has a primavera neck and body and I think that makes it more "Strat" like as well. It is the easiest guitar to play, really unbelievable!
Anyhow, once I just let it be as it is and not try to get it to sound like anything else is when the guitar really started to shine for me.

05-29-2008, 02:08 PM
My Cobra, with three M's, seems closer to to Strat than Gibson. It really is a unique sound and that really threw me for a while becasue I kept trying to find my favorite old sounds I am used-to in a strat/TA classic. Mine has a primavera neck and body and I think that makes it more "Strat" like as well. It is the easiest guitar to play, really unbelievable!
Anyhow, once I just let it be as it is and not try to get it to sound like anything else is when the guitar really started to shine for me.
AMEN! When I realized my HTC with M's had it's own voice, it was truly liberating. A TAG is a TAG. While there are nod's to what has come before, I think each TAG stands on it's own. I can't wait for the uniqueness and Andersoness of the Atom CT to grace stages and recordings (and hopefully my quiver):D

05-29-2008, 03:17 PM
i just think that too often we get caught up in features and jargon and forget about why we got into guitars in the first place.
Absolutely...well stated!