View Full Version : Joke

03-29-2004, 01:50 PM
OK, so I used this joke in a sermon last week. I figured maybe you guys have some good ones too.

A man, Jon, had a ticket to the Superbowl for the farthest seats from the field, high up in the nosebleed section. He arrived at the game early and headed up to his seat. He decided he wanted to trek down to field level, knowing that he would never get that close again. So he walked all the way down to the field and stood there in awe for a few minutes. As Jon turned to head back up to his seat, he noticed a man on the end of an aisle, about the 5th or 6th row, watching him. The man had an empty seat next to him, and as Jon passed him, the man said, "Hey, would you like to have this seat?"

Jon replied, "No way, I can't take your seat...my tickets are for all the way at the top."

So the man responded, "You really can have it - it will go to waste otherwise. If you want it, it's yours."

"Wow," Jon responded, "That's excellent." He sat down and got settled, then turned to the man. "Wow, thank you so much, I really appreciate this...How did you come to have a free seat for the Superbowl?"

The man replied, "Well, it was my wife's seat, but she passed away."

"Oh no, I'm so sorry!" Jon replied, "I shouldn't have this seat! This should go to a friend or family member."

"That's OK," the man responded, "they're all at the funeral."

Stan Malinowski
03-29-2004, 08:26 PM
Great Joke!!

I emailed it to my wife's church group (Comtemporary Music Group) and they roared. The priest at our parish has some pretty good "borderline" jokes. I will have to jot some down when I have some time.

03-29-2004, 09:14 PM
Ha! The funny thing is, most of the men in the congregation couldn't figure out why it was a joke!

04-03-2004, 10:10 AM
Good one! :D