View Full Version : this is funny...well kinda

03-29-2004, 01:17 PM
yesterday after church...i come home and start practicing...
my wife, after about 4 hours walks up and ask me for hug...so i hold my guitar in one hand and hug her with the other...
she says " you can put that "thing" down ya know"
I told her " I dont think so... its either in the case or in MY HANDS, I am not jsut sitting it down."

She got a lil angry and told me that she see's whats more important...

(needless to say i got about 5 more minutes with my guitar...and then had to go give her a hug.)

03-29-2004, 01:27 PM
Hey, I'm with you man. My wife does a lot of complaining, too, about priorities. I keep telling her she's wrong, it's just that when you can have both, why choose? ;)

Truth is, my priorities are as such:

1. God
2. Family
3. Guitar/Music
4. Work/Church, etc.

03-29-2004, 01:37 PM
Yeah....mine gets a little goofy on that stuff too. She was the same way with my motorcycle. I think it's a male/female difference on the need for hobbies or activities that connect us to other people. Just my $ .02.

A friend of mine told me a good one...he said "I know now how to have a conversation with my wife...all I have to do is pick up my guitar and all of the sudden she wants to have a conversation!”


03-29-2004, 01:39 PM
Ha! Yeah, isn't that the truth. They couldn't care less about our attention until/unless we start doing something that they think may take preference over them...playing guitar, watching sports, playing video games, etc. THEN, they have to have a conversation all of a sudden, just to see if we're willing to drop whatever we're doing for their sake. We're not! Sheesh.

03-29-2004, 02:14 PM
oh man thats the truth..
My wife only wants to talk when i am practicing...
it is bad enough that i have little spare time as it it...

Job takes up alot ot time...
plus i run my own buisness
going to college...
Band takes time
then practice...
My motorcycle...
and i think i have two kids...i was invited to some birthday parties at my house for two kids that look a lot like me!

addicted to life...


03-29-2004, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by dnewman3
Job takes up alot ot time...
plus i run my own buisness
going to college...
Band takes time
then practice...
My motorcycle...
and i think i have two kids...i was invited to some birthday parties at my house for two kids that look a lot like me!

WOW...I'm a slacker!

How you find time to have the kids? I guess we guys make time for that:D


03-29-2004, 02:31 PM
well..in the begining...

When we first got married i just worked as a FireFighter/Paramedic...now I am director.

Been in the band for almost 9 years now.
The more I stay in music, the more i want to learn..

Started college cause i wanted to learn more about emergency medicine. Too old for me to go to med school, so i started the RN course. I used to work as a Flight Medic, and for doing the same job, they got paid almost $10 more an hour...so, decided to go back to school.

Then, I've always kept my bike and mustang clean..and somebody asked me to detail their car...so i started my own buisness detailing cars...( have a couple guys working for me..i dont have time to clean my own car now)

and the bike...well, if you ride a bike then you understand..
nothing like a lazy sunday drive on a old country road...
just that i do it faster on my bike (GSXF-750)

and the kids...hell now that you mention it...they do kinda look like our mailman!!!

03-29-2004, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by dnewman3

and the kids...hell now that you mention it...they do kinda look like our mailman!!!


My wife and I just had a little one. Long story short she is staying home and not returning to work and something had to give. That something was my Harley!!

Luckily my dad and brother both ride so if I get the itch too bad I can always borrow one for a day. Not quite the same but I guess my little girl is worth it!


03-29-2004, 03:25 PM
little girls...

little princess i am sure...
my 6 year old came home from school and told me she likes this boy in her class...

thats just what i wanted to hear...

congrats on the baby..

they grow up quick!!