View Full Version : Single coil to replace humbucker?

05-03-2008, 11:24 AM
So, I have a weird question for you guys. I love my droptop T but I want a single coil tone in the neck, not the full humbucker that's there now. Is there any way at all to do this? I know, it's routed for a full hummy, but is it possible? I don't get that tone with the coil split either, just not as full. I love that guitar, but I just wish I could get that sound.
Sorry if this is a ridiculous question,

05-03-2008, 12:32 PM
So, I have a weird question for you guys. I love my droptop T but I want a single coil tone in the neck, not the full humbucker that's there now. Is there any way at all to do this? I know, it's routed for a full hummy, but is it possible? I don't get that tone with the coil split either, just not as full. I love that guitar, but I just wish I could get that sound.
Sorry if this is a ridiculous question,

I think that Gibson makes a P-94R, which is a P-90 neck pickup that is the same size as a standard humbucker and would fit in the same hole size. I don't know if Anderson makes anything like that.

05-03-2008, 04:46 PM
The Seymour Duncan P-Rails (http://www.seymourduncan.com/products/electric/humbucker/progressive/prails_shpr1/) looks very promising in this area too. It's a tri-mode pickup - single-coil + P90 + humbucker all combined into one.

Here's a Youtube promo video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZhJXcSVnfs) that shows it in a very impressive light - I've no idea if it actually sounds that good in reality though. ;)