View Full Version : My Crowdster Buzzes alot!

05-02-2008, 03:20 PM
So ive owned my crowdster for a little more than a month now.. Lately, the lower E String has been buzzing a lot and when i Capo at any fret, the E and the A start to buzz a lot. I know it has to do with humidifying the neck properly.. so how do corwdster owners go about humidifying your crowdster? In the past, ive used a traditional plastic box with a sponge which has worked fine for my other regular acoustics.. For my traditional acoustics in the past, the guitar case had a open slot where the neck meets the body and that is where I put my sponge-humidifier. I also put another one near the headstock. Seems like for the rectangular crowdster case, there is no place to put my humidifiers and keep the case shut. What are all your humidifying strats? any insight would be greatly appreciated..


05-02-2008, 04:07 PM
maybe your guitar has just gotten accustomed to the new environment and needs a slight adjustment. sounds like you need to loosen the rod just a hair. since it's been there a while you should be able to set and not worry about unless weather changes radically. crowdster necks don't generally need much attention once they've settled.
you should be able to keep the humidifier in the headstock area. not sure if planet waves has sorted out their problem, but their humidipack is a great idea.

05-02-2008, 04:59 PM
thanks a lot Tom, funny thing is weather does change a lot here in Dallas (the guitar was in Tennessee before it was sent here). But I am about to do a concert in the twin cities in Minnesota in about two weeks, I'll possibly get it adjusted while in Minnesota. I'll check out the other humidifiers from planet waves.. thanks for the help.