View Full Version : H3 in an atom

04-26-2008, 02:43 PM
hey all... just looking for any input that ya'll had.

-I originally had in my atom 2 M1's and an H2. I had the guitar for a few days and then sent it back to Anderson to get a few things changed, but while it is still at the shop I was thinking about the H2 and that I would like something thicker, beefier, and bigger sounding. I talked to Roy and he suggested an H3. Anybody else got an opinion about the H3 in an atom compared to an H2?


04-26-2008, 10:05 PM
I don't own an Atom, but I put an H3 in a Strat I built, and they are hot!! I'm sure it would be slightly thicker, most definitely a hot pup.

04-27-2008, 06:25 AM
I had an Atom with an HW3 which I found to be way too much for me. Too big and too hot. I swapped it out for an Ho2 which I thought was just right. Now I have one with an H2 which also works for me.

The 3 didn't work for me, but if the 2 isn't enough for you then maybe it's what you're after.

04-27-2008, 11:36 AM
I have an H3, M1, M1 in my Cobra S. I can't make a comment about how it would sound in an Atom. However, I like the sound I have with my Cobra S have this H3.

If Roy suggest something I would go with it. He knows how everything would sound in relation to the other components.

04-27-2008, 02:11 PM
thanks ya'll! I appreciate the input. Hopefully I'll have it in hand in a few weeks and I'll report back. Take care,


04-27-2008, 06:45 PM
-I originally had in my atom 2 M1's and an H2. I had the guitar for a few days and then sent it back to Anderson to get a few things changed, but while it is still at the shop I was thinking about the H2 and that I would like something thicker, beefier, and bigger sounding. I talked to Roy and he suggested an H3. Anybody else got an opinion about the H3 in an atom compared to an H2?

Brett, what kinda amps are you playing through?

04-27-2008, 07:30 PM
hey michaelomiya,
right now, an orange rocker-verb 50 combo- its a rather dark marshall-ish sounding amp that has a pretty good clean channel and a killer dirty channel that is very flexible. Lots of attitude but pretty at the same time.
My main guitar right now is a Les Paul classic with two rather hot ceramic pup's. I'm using a MXR 10 band EQ for a bid boost, an MI Audio Crunch Box, and a Keeley mod Boss Blues driver for other dirty sounds.

04-27-2008, 09:59 PM
hey michaelomiya,
right now, an orange rocker-verb 50 combo- its a rather dark marshall-ish sounding amp that has a pretty good clean channel and a killer dirty channel that is very flexible. Lots of attitude but pretty at the same time.
My main guitar right now is a Les Paul classic with two rather hot ceramic pup's. I'm using a MXR 10 band EQ for a bid boost, an MI Audio Crunch Box, and a Keeley mod Boss Blues driver for other dirty sounds.

Hey Brett, sweet amp. I've played the Thunderverb 200W (6550's) and Rockerverb 100 (34's) head and that thing will do early Sabbath for days!:D - british mid-range mojo in spades. If the rocker50's got 6V6's in the pwr section I've always experienced cleans with a smooth clear high end. On the other end of the spectrum, there should be big fat bass notes that are well defined with a piano-like quality. When I crank up the gain I usually get everything from a nice crunch to all out screaming distortion. And not just mush, but a very controllable, musical distortion. Sound familiar? :p

So what's all of this mean with a H3 in an Atom? More killer tone!
I've got H3's in my Alder back/Maple top DT and Basswood ProAM. The output's punchy and hot without the loose unfocused lows present in say a Duncan JB TB4. I'd say if you want more of the mahogany punch to come through when you've got the rockerverb really opened up, then go with the lower output p/up's (although I love the H2A in my Atom). If you dig sizzle, treble spark, more "balls and chunk", go with hotter (H3) pups.

04-28-2008, 10:31 AM
thanks man, I appreciate the feedback!