View Full Version : Ok...I think I'm ready! (Crowdster Plus)....

04-19-2008, 07:15 AM
Alright a little background. I'm the proud owner of 08-28-04N...a beautiful Flamed Maple on Mahogany Crowdy and I am seriously considering having the CMA electric pup surgically implanted by TA. Has anybody had this procedure done?

Also, can you C+ people describe the tone of the CMA? All responses appreciated!


04-19-2008, 10:55 AM
Sounds a little to me like a "toned-down" P90. I don't know how else to describe it. When I mainly want electric, it is NOT the guitar I go to, as the electric sound is somewhat limted, to be sure, but when I am playing acoustic and want to dial in some electric, it is GREAT!

It works best, imho when you layer them. But I've gotten some great electric only tones out of it on occasion, more clean and slightly over-driven. I'm not as crazy about it at full gain, but that's mostly because playing acoustic strings for that just feels all wrong to me. One other guy tried it when I first got it and LOVED it at high-gain... so go figure...

I'll use it this weekend when our band plays a particular song that really needs to dial in a LOT of extra oomph near the end, and I'll just set up an overdriven sound and pull up the volume control when I need it and BAM! It'll be huge...

04-19-2008, 11:34 AM
One of the limitations of the Taylor T5 I owned was that the overdrive tones were just bad. I just want to be sure I don't run into that again b/c I will require both good clean "cleans" and nice smooth overdrive when neccessary. Thanks for the advice.

04-19-2008, 01:44 PM
The T5 did NOT work for me even slightly. I needed real acoustic and real electric tones, at the same time, through different rigs (stereo output).

The C+ delivered. It didn't really cost that much more than a T5 either.

I think the T5 could be great if it was re-worked electronically.

04-19-2008, 02:51 PM
The T5 did NOT work for me even slightly. I needed real acoustic and real electric tones, at the same time, through different rigs (stereo output).

The C+ delivered. It didn't really cost that much more than a T5 either.

I think the T5 could be great if it was re-worked electronically.

+1 on the T5 comment. I hated the electric tones personally. The C+ sounds like a good electric. That said, if I really want electric tones and don't need the acoustic sounds of the C+ I'll just pick up my drop top classic instead. As far as prices go, the C+ was considerably more expensive on the used market. People don't really want to give up their Crowdys but I've seen a ton of T5's out there.

04-20-2008, 06:10 PM
As far as prices go, the C+ was considerably more expensive on the used market. People don't really want to give up their Crowdys but I've seen a ton of T5's out there.

Yeah, when I sold my T5 I took a pretty good hit since I had bought it new. But I had the Crowdy on the way and have not looked back since! Love it!:D

04-20-2008, 09:57 PM
I am seriously considering having the CMA electric pup surgically implanted by TA.
I didn't know that could be done?!? Tom?

04-20-2008, 10:59 PM
I didn't know that could be done?!? Tom?

Yup, it can definitely be done. I asked Tom about it a few months back when I was considering buying a standard Crowdy that I liked at the time...

I want to say the price was less than $500 (maybe alot less, I can't remember) including shipping.
But, you'd definitely want to talk to them to be sure..

In terms of the C+ electric tone... I'm one of those guys who actually REALLY likes it.

I think it sounds GREAT on hi gain as well. It DOES however, FEEL completely wrong (at first) but the tone is very sweet, a little on the bright side (but it is a bridge pick essentially, so that's understandable) and pretty powerful with the right amp combo.

Right now I'm just running through a tonelab into channel 2 of my Genz Benz acoustic amp...

And of course the Acoustic side direct into the other channel...
I blend them at the amp and then I use the knobs to fine tune...

The tone that you get in Stereo mode from two power sources (or in my case, one multi channel one) is what this guitar is ALL ABOUT. The fact that I can play 2 guitars at once, every time, is why it is and will be the guitar I go to almost EVERY TIME...

However, in Pietro's defense, I am primarily the Acoustic guy in my setup... and I like it that way but now that I can play a GREAT sounding acoustic to lead the group while I sing... and fill in some nice electric rhythm at the same time... My main "lead" guitarist can really have some fun and focus on his lead stuff.

Of course, If we're playing something and we're looking for a SPECIFIC tone... I'll play the Strat, Les Paul, 335 or whatever, but who wouldn't?

I mean, we all want that perfect tone for each tune, but if you're a Worship leader or "front man" like me, you probably don't want to spend half the morning (or night) swapping guitars between songs.

With some time programming your effects and eq's... you will be able to get nearly any tone you'll want... Of course, the real "jazzy or bluesy" neck pickup semi-hollow tone and the real "single coil" tone of a Strat will be left up to those guitars...
But you'll be able to produce a reasonable facsimile thereof and when you blend it with your sweet acoustic tones... you'll melt like Butta!

Just My Humble opinion.:D

04-21-2008, 12:57 PM
the "plus" retro fit is $450+ shipping. if you want a pic of where the controls are let me know. the layout is a little different because of the existing knob placement.

04-21-2008, 05:45 PM
Thanks for the advice and opinions everybody. Your thoughts will weigh heavily in my decision!

Tom I would appreciate the photos of the retrofitted controls. I kinda wondered if they would be positioned the same as the original C+. Thanks...

04-21-2008, 06:07 PM
here's a photo of the retro. note the added volume control is closer to the bridge.

04-21-2008, 06:28 PM
Thanks for the photo. What is that black dot under the acoustic volume control?:o

04-21-2008, 06:51 PM
the black dot is the stereo/mono switch.

04-29-2008, 02:31 PM
I just got back my Crowdster "+" from getting the upgrade. I absolutely love it. The workmanship looks just like everything else they do: perfect.

The only problem now is that I want to get a new amp and more effects pedals for the electric channel... :rolleyes:

04-29-2008, 03:17 PM
I just got back my Crowdster "+" from getting the upgrade. I absolutely love it. The workmanship looks just like everything else they do: perfect.

The only problem now is that I want to get a new amp and more effects pedals for the electric channel... :rolleyes:


I'll just go ahead and warn you now....

It never ends...

and it only gets WORSE with time...

04-30-2008, 11:10 AM
I just got back my Crowdster "+" from getting the upgrade. I absolutely love it. The workmanship looks just like everything else they do: perfect.

The only problem now is that I want to get a new amp and more effects pedals for the electric channel... :rolleyes:

Dude, you're new to the forum and you just had the mod done...where's the pics?;) I want to try the new Orange Tiny Terror Combo with my mine once I'm able to swing it!

05-12-2008, 02:45 PM
I know, I have failed you all with the lack of pics. Here is an old one, hopefully it will do for now, and I will try to get some up tonight with the mods done. :)

05-12-2008, 05:29 PM
"Failed" is so harsh...you didn't fail us it's just that we all have really bad GAS and to partake in someone else's indulgences somehow holds us to the next fix...jk...thanks!:D