View Full Version : Effects Power - Battery vs. AC

03-28-2004, 07:00 AM
Hey Guys,

I've noticed with several of my effects (wah especially) that they sound better when run from a 9v battery as opposed to AC. I'd like to change over to 9v for most everything that doesn't drain quickly, i.e. digital delay, but I'd like leave the pedals connected on the board.

I'm think that if I use clipped off plugs from of an old AC daisy chain, it will disconnect the pedal from drawing battery current when not in use. Does anyone know this for certain?

I'm trying find some other solution then disconnecting the inputs from each pedal.



03-28-2004, 12:34 PM
i know the boss pedals do that. i can't say for other stuff.

03-30-2004, 04:12 PM
All of my FX are on a Furman SPB-8 Board. I use the Furman 9V power supply for all the front amp FX which include tuner, compressor, distortion, and wah. The FX that are in the loop, include two delays and a chorus. These are powered by a One Spot and daisy chain plugged into one of the 120V outlets on the Furman board.

By isolating the front amp and loop FX power I have zero noise coloration. I do keep batteries and a spare One Spot in my gig bag in case of a problem. But two years to date I have had none.

John Price
03-31-2004, 10:15 AM
Look into the VooDoo Lab Pedal Power 2 unit!
You can run your Wah from one off the SAG outputs, this allows you to adjust the voltage from 4V to 9V Simulating a low battery!

plus it's super quiet!

03-31-2004, 10:30 AM
Eric Johnson says that he can tell what type of 9v is in his OD pedal by the sound. Talk about ears!

Personally, I use A Planet Waves stomp box board out of pure laziness. I think it sounds great.

03-31-2004, 11:21 AM
ej certainly has ears, but i wouldn't want to live in his head. i watched a sound check where he spent 45 minutes having his tech change out 2 12ax7's, deciding which one sounded better. needless to say, the show started late.