View Full Version : Eventide TimeFactor/ModFactor

04-01-2008, 09:52 PM
Hey guys....

I got around to replacing my Line6 pedals on my pedalboard this weekend with the Eventide TimeFactor and ModFactor.

The jury is still out on these as I really need more time working with them. I can share the pro's and con's as I know them today. I can update this thread, is interest warrants.

Overall I've been happy with the Line6 DL-4 and MM-4. When I first started using these pedals I was a bit dissatisfied with the level drop when engaging them. Both pedals received the Keeley mod and this helped, in my opinion. The second issue I hoped to address was the noise factor. They aren't bad, but I've had a couple complaints from engineers when recording with them.

When the Eventide's were released, I thought I would give them a try. The TimeFactor and ModFactor allow a great deal of tweaking. Eventide is pretty clear about these pedals being ports of sounds from their rack equipment, not necessarily to replicate vintage pedals. They are really quiet pedals.

The Eventide forum is pretty active and Eventide is engaging in the dialog to continue to improve the pedals. One of the cool features is that the pedals are software upgradeable via a USB interface. I have just applied the 2nd Beta of the 2nd software release. It's nice to provide more life to the pedal to "fix" things or add enhancements.

There are three switches on the pedal that change in function depending on the mode you use the pedal. The pedals operate in two modes, PLAY and BANK. PLAY allows you to manually adjust the effect and settings. When in this mode one of the switches allows you tap tempo. When in bank mode the switches allow you call up a bank and then select one of two presets. But no tap tempo now, unless you receive clock via the MIDI port or add an aux pedal. I have added the Boss FS-5U to allow for tap tempo when calling up stored settings. This is one of the downsides for me.... I think most of us squeeze pedals on our boards. If you're running an expression pedal with them, you may need to add aux. switches to add all the functionality. Eventide supports multi aux pedals like the Digitech or TC Electronic.

There is a lot of flexibility with these pedals, but if you plan to call up stored settings, you should plan on an aux pedal. I'll also note that I'm using my Line6 expression pedals with the Eventide's as well.

Another nice option on the pedal is the mono/stereo in/out. A switch located next to each allows you to select amp/out, guitar/in, or line level in,out, or both.

You also have the option of killing the dry signal if you happen to place the pedals in an effects loop on your amp, for example.

So just getting started with them and looking forward to seeing where this goes. Let me know if other questions arise, I didn't want this post to get too lengthy, but will do my best to answer them.

As I mentioned above, I can continue to update the thread if the interest is there.

- Keith

04-01-2008, 11:03 PM
thanks a bunch for posting! I have been wanting to get a Mod Factor since last fall... they're finally out now, I guess. I wonder how the Eventide delay compares to the TC Nova Delay... ?? I need to keep workin on building a new pedal board... haha. So many things on the wish list.

04-02-2008, 08:01 AM
Nice report. I'll be looking for updates.

The new TC Nova System just started hitting stores this week. That's actually what I have my eye on. Waiting for some user reports before I pull the trigger.

John Price
04-02-2008, 08:22 AM
I can't say enough great things about the Timefactor! In my opinion this is one of the best delay pedals to come around in a long time!

Hope you enjoy yours!


04-02-2008, 09:49 AM
Nice report. I'll be looking for updates.

The new TC Nova System just started hitting stores this week. That's actually what I have my eye on. Waiting for some user reports before I pull the trigger.

Me too... ;)

04-02-2008, 09:57 AM
John.... I'm pretty geeked about the TimeFactor as well. Still working with it.... and I've had more time with it than the ModFactor. Did you have a need to address aux switches as well John? If so, what are you using? Currently, I don't have the pedalboard space to accommodate switches for both pedals.

A key to the aux pedals too.... if you us a multiswitch aux pedal, you need to use a stereo jack to assign the functions to tip, ring, tip+ring. For those using GeorgeL's, that presents a challenge too. The ability to program the assignments to the aux pedal is really nice, just a bit of a challenge with adding the stereo cable in the mix.

Another note I should have mentioned in my first post.... don't plan on connecting these pedals to your Voodoo power supply. They draw 1200ma, so you'll need to use the wall-warts or dedicate a one-spot, etc. to provide power. Same need with the TC pedals too.

I exchanged emails with Voodoo and understand that they are working on a next generation power brick to support the TC and Eventide pedals, but availability is some time out. It's still in the works.

I'm still reviewing some of the release notes on the latest Beta software and understand that Eventide has added the capability to modify settings from one pedal to another, TimeFactor to ModFactor, via the MIDI interface.

As John mentioned, I think the TimeFactor is a very cool pedal.

- Keith

04-02-2008, 12:02 PM
Me too... ;)

Me three. Mine has already shipped but I'm on vacation this week. There is a nice thread from those who have already received theirs at TGP.


I'm hoping it's a combination of the Nova Delay and Mod, with a O/D-Distortion thrown in. I will be sure to review once I've had a chance to play.

John Price
04-03-2008, 07:31 AM
John.... I'm pretty geeked about the TimeFactor as well. Still working with it.... and I've had more time with it than the ModFactor. Did you have a need to address aux switches as well John? If so, what are you using? Currently, I don't have the pedalboard space to accommodate switches for both pedals.

- Keith

Hey Keith,

The only switch I have plugged into the unit is the boss FS-5U and I'm using it for the tap tempo feature! I did pick up the digitech fs 300 just incase I want to dive into some of it's great features. But for now I'm comfortable with this setup! I also did the software upgrade! It's nice to know the TF can be upgraded when new feature become available. When I get room on my board I will ad the expression pedal. I'm thinking about the ernie ball pedal but I would like to find something smaller. As for power I'm just plugging the adapter into the pedal power courtesy outlet and it works fine.

There's so much potential with the connections on this pedal that I'm looking forward to exploring them with my setup.

Hmmm? How about the midi functions?..... find a small midi pedal....OK! I have to go now!.....


04-03-2008, 08:50 AM
Looks like the TC is supposed to come out soon too... man I'm not sure which I should get... :/ Lol.

04-15-2008, 06:39 AM
Keith -

Can you sync the TF and MF together? I.E. one tap tempo works for both? I like syncing the Delays and Tremelo.

I have the Nova System, but have only been able to spend about 4 hours with it. The jury is still out. I can say it's not without some drawbacks, not to mention some software issue that can be expected with a version 1.0 of any product.

I've been thinking of a Mod Factor > Nova Delay > Nova Verb 3 pedal combo, but am reluctant as I don't know what 3 trips through the A/D > D/A processors will sound like. Does anyone have experience with this in a similar set up?

04-15-2008, 01:59 PM
You can sync the TimeFactor and ModFactor, in a couple of ways.

One is via the MIDI interfaces on each pedal using an external clock source. For most of us, that isn't an option for a live rig/pedalboard.

Option two.... you can use a single, non-switched pedal, attached to the Aux. input of each pedal. This requires a stereo y-cable. While doable, this isn't an exciting option for me either. It is tough to find stereo y-cables with angled connectors and I'm not a fan of custom cables for gigs. That's why I'm sold on the George L's for my board. I can carry spare cable and ends, to fix an issue immediately.

What I've done, for now, is add two Boss FS-5U's to my board. I'll include a picture of my board when my schedule allows.

I have requested that Eventide allow me to configure one of the pedals as a MIDI clock source, connecting the two pedals with a short MIDI cable. Then I can use one tempo switch for both pedals.

As I get more experience with these pedals, there may be an advantage to have two seperate tap tempo sources.

- Keith