View Full Version : two pickup alternative's for tele's ?

03-30-2008, 06:19 PM
Hi Guys,
I think i'm going nuts :confused: I have just ok'd a t classic order (natural ash) and i'm over the order button ready to press and i'm dithering !!

I am back to square one with a THIRD order for a hollow T drop top in light tigers eye burst and want advise on pickup selection.

I have previosly found the TV1 TV3 ( on my hollow T classics) the right kind of "vintage" tele sound, but i would like the neck pickup a bit more "tuneful" ? i always play it on full treble control to brighten it up, i guess im aiming for a more strat sound without a strat ! it must be a 2 pickup combo so whats best alternative to keep the balance?
All input would help before i get on the phone in the states to Roy !! I live in Liverpool, UK.:)

03-30-2008, 10:07 PM
Try the Va1, but talk it over with Roy. I have seen Hollow T with the Va1 Va1 TV3 combo.

03-31-2008, 10:29 AM
va1 or 5 sounds like what you're after. since you're using a maple top i'd probably do the va5.