View Full Version : My New Anderson is broke!!!

03-26-2004, 11:31 PM
Please anyone who can help....

The guitar i just bought...i think is broke..

The HB in the back...i dont think there is a ground. It gets bad sound untill i touch something metal it stops. Only when i am in position 5. The guy i bought my guitar from had an H3+ installed...and i think he did it him self...i lifted the gaurd, adn all the wires on the HB are hooked up..
and the push/pull pot il think is going out...cause it seems really loose.
any suggestions on how the wires should be hooked up....
what is hooked up now from the Bridge is this...
out of wire pack is red,black, ground and then green andf white..

right now the green and white are just shink taped together and not hooked up to anything...

any help??

03-27-2004, 12:06 AM
if green and white are tied togethwer and go nowhere, that pickup will never split. the red should be going to the 5 way. the black and bare wire should go to the back of the pot(ground. is there a mini switch? we rarely ever do a wiring where you can never split the bridge pickup. it is my birthday, so i will be signing off for the night. i will check in the morning.

03-27-2004, 12:17 AM
Thank you Mr. Anderson for replying on your B-day.

There is a Mini Switch, and a pull pot.

serial #9-14-99P

when i took a few screws out of the pickgaurd...and when i touch the copper on the back of the pick gaurd, the buzzing stops.

so i guess it has to be a ground problem. the Red goes to the five way, the black and the ground are soildered on the back of the volume pot. green and white are i guess either solidered together or just shink tapped together.

thank you Mr. Anderson for helping me..
we start shows on teh 17th and really want to be up and running with this guitar before then.

Dave Newman, III

03-28-2004, 10:15 PM
sounds like somebody changed the way it was wired. does the buzzing not go away when you touch the bridge? what about if you touch the knobs? if not, it sounds like the ground wire from the bridge is not connected.

03-29-2004, 11:50 AM
talked to the guy that i bought my guitar from...he said when he had the h3+ wired in, that it was wired excatly like the h2. not splitable. the buzzing stops when you either touch the knobs or the copper plate on the back of the pick gaurd..


i cleaned the copper off and scrapped it a little to make better contact with the pickgarud screw and it fixed it...

also, the battery compartment...

there is one screw that is shorter from the others. it was on teh middle upper part...
well the front one was long...and ithink that when the long screw iis in that front spot...it hits somthing...couldnt see what...but it hit something...so the short one in that first position.

now is the h3+ splitable? the green and white are srink wrapped together...are they suppost to be hooked up to anytihng..?

03-29-2004, 12:34 PM
so the buzz doesn't stop when you touch the bridge? the short screw should go towards the neck. the green and white should go to the mini switch. that allows the bridge pickup to be split when in combination with other pickups.

03-29-2004, 12:56 PM
so where on the mini switch are the green and white suppost to go?
I see the same wires from the singles are soildered together on the mini. ( not to be confused with all together, but each pickup's wires soildered together: green & White; then those are soildered to the mini...

what do i need to do withthe H3+ green and white?


03-29-2004, 01:32 PM
looking at thw switch so that the bottomrow is unused. there should be a jumper to ground on the left most center row also connecting the right center to the center certer terminal. your bridge green and white should go to the left center terminal. that will allow the bridge pickup to be split in all but the bridge only positions.

03-29-2004, 02:16 PM
i will have to get back at you on what is where...

i do know that the singles are on the same side... far right and middle. i think