View Full Version : tonal effect due to TA classic only having volume and ONE tone knob

03-15-2008, 06:56 PM
A standard strat has two tone controls: one for the neck pup and one for middle pup. So, in neck/middle position isn't the signal path loaded by the volume (250k) and two tone 250K pots? Then, in the case of a TA classic that only has one tone control knob (I assume its a 250k pot) is the neck/middle position only loading the signal path by the vol pot and a single tone pot? If true, what effect upon the tone does this have? Is that why a TA classic sounds a bit different that a Strat (not better or worse, just different)?

03-15-2008, 07:42 PM
I haven't noticed any quantifiable difference in tone...I think you'll notice much more significant differences due to wood choices, pup configuration, etc. And, FWIW, I MUCH prefer the 1 vol, 1 tone layout...I have that on all my guitars (except my Myka which also has controls for the piezo bridge, but the mag controls are 1 vol, 1 tone). I hate trying to blend volume and tone controls between pickups...this way is much easier for me to just go where I want, and focus on playing. But, that's just me...

03-17-2008, 11:14 AM
the only place where it could affect the tone would be in position 2, neck and middle. the extra tone control could darken the tone a bit. since it's a darker position than bridge and middle, i would think that would be undesirable. ej has his strats wired so that neck and middle share the first tone control and the bridge has it's own.
as for difference between strats and our guitars, i think there are more significant things to look at.

03-17-2008, 03:29 PM
Hi Tom,
Well thanks for explaining about the pickup loading! Much appreciated!


03-17-2008, 07:50 PM
After my TA's ended guitar GAS and a couple of amp buys ended amp GAS, I get the bright idea that pickups would be my next obsession. Over the last couple of months I have tried 3-4 different pickups with blender wiring, series/parallel mini toggles in a very nice Fender Am Dlx. Fralins, Suhrs, Texas Specials, S-1's have sounded good, but ultimately disappointing.

The pickups were all good sounding setups with versatility, tone and quality build. Still they came up short when I would play them head to head with the TA's. I don't know what it is about the Anderson pickups, but to my ear they sound better in all positions. Another big plus is the simple logic the TA controls are laid out. Simple, efficient and effective.

I should have bought an Andy with VA's and saved myself all this aggravation

03-18-2008, 11:48 AM
Hi Tom,
Well, now you have gotten me curious! Why does a TA classic sound somewhat different than, say, a Fender Strat (besides potentiometer loading). I would guess that the TA pickups are kinda unique, body shape is a little different, bridge and trem? One thing is for sure, my Classic is my workhorse and has a sound that cuts through the mix!


03-18-2008, 01:53 PM
you mean other than different body size, thickness, neck joint, electronics, tuning system,nut material, finish thickness, bridge, etc?

03-18-2008, 01:55 PM
you mean other than different body size, thickness, neck joint, electronics, tuning system,nut material, finish thickness, bridge, etc?

You forgot the sonic contribution of the additional strap pin:D

03-18-2008, 04:22 PM
i thought that one would have been obvious;)

03-18-2008, 04:27 PM
o.k....o.k.. !


03-18-2008, 05:50 PM
we're just teasin'