View Full Version : Atom Special Switching Question

03-06-2008, 11:23 PM
I just purchased my first Anderson. It's a preowned Atom Special with Bigsby and I should have it in about a week. It's serial number is 01-05-07p. The great thing is if I ordered one brand new, I'd probably equip it exactly like this one.

My question has to do with the switching on the guitar. It has HO1-A and HO1+A pickups with 5 way switching for Atom with Kickback Switch.

Can someone explain how the switching on this guitar is laid out? I'm hoping in addition to getting humbucking sounds, I can also get the "out of phase", position 2 or 4, strat sounds.


03-07-2008, 11:45 AM
positions 1,3,5 are what you'd expect from a 2 pu guitar. positions 2 and 4 are the the humbuckers kicked back. position 3 with the tone pot pulled is bot kicked back. the get the strat 2 pickup sound you really need a middle pickup to go in combination with one of the others.

03-07-2008, 01:06 PM
Thanks for the reply.

What is "kicked back"?

Also, would it be possible to add a middle pickup to this guitar?


positions 1,3,5 are what you'd expect from a 2 pu guitar. positions 2 and 4 are the the humbuckers kicked back. position 3 with the tone pot pulled is bot kicked back. the get the strat 2 pickup sound you really need a middle pickup to go in combination with one of the others.

03-07-2008, 01:25 PM
the kick back is a passive circuit that rolls out some middle and a little bottom that makes it more single coil sounding while still being humcancelling. i wouldn't add the middle pickup here. we round over the edge before finish, so the added pickup would not look as "cool" as i would expect.