View Full Version : Another strange question

03-23-2004, 02:25 AM
I can't help it... sometimes I just want to see what others think.

2 Strap locks, 2 choices. Normally, I like the strap on the top pin so, the body angles downward. Have always played that way and it looks cool too.

However, technically challenging pieces are cearly better facilitated using the lower endpin.

So, I change buttons mid-set, mid-song whatever - depending on what's expected of me.

Am I a man compensating for his weakness or a man who knows how to make his instrument work for him?

Scott Peterson
03-23-2004, 08:54 AM
You are just using the tools to get the job done.

I prefer the lower end pin strictly because I prefer longer scale (25.5.") instruments to hang that way; it feels more balanced and just "right" to me.

To each their own.