View Full Version : Checking in from Seattle

02-09-2008, 12:38 PM
Hello All,

I've posted a couple times, but I thought I'd introduce myself here. I'm a balding, middle aged family guy who likes pretty guitars. I play at my church 2 - 3 times a month during our "contemporary service".

I bought a beautiful used Crowdster Acoustic a couple months ago. I was a little surprised to see it had done some modeling work at the Anderson Guitar Gallery before it came to me: http://www.andersonguitars.com/cfPages/showSingleGuitarGallery.cfm?passedID=38&finishID=130&bodyWoodID=33

I just sent it back to the TAG secret underground facility to have it upgraded to a Crowdster Plus. While its gone, I'm pondering just how many amps and pedals I need to cart around with me to get the most out of my new C+ and whether I need to trade my family sedan for a station wagon to carry all that stuff. :)

Best regards,

02-09-2008, 12:50 PM
welcome steve.see the tread about "small" pedalboards it might help;)

02-09-2008, 03:53 PM
Welcome to the forum!!

02-09-2008, 10:04 PM
Welcome from a neighbor! :)

02-09-2008, 10:50 PM

That Geetar of yours sure is PURDY!