View Full Version : You really can't have just one, can you?

01-28-2008, 03:57 PM
Back when I ordered my gold top Cobra in March I was having a bit of trouble deciding whether to go with Tom's P90s or humbuckers. I eventually wound up going with the humbuckers to cover a wider range of tones. Got the guitar, am totally satisfied, and it sounds amazing.

As luck would have it, this weekend I walked away from Charley's guitar shop with a pretty dang near mint Cobra Special in TV Yellow. Thanks to Clay and Stephen at Charley's, and Brian since he's such an important part of the Anderson arsenal in Dallas.

Here it is...


Thanks again Tom for making such fine instruments.


01-28-2008, 05:56 PM
I used to have one of these in Black with a creme guard and creme pup covers. I miss that one. Now I don't even remember why I sold it... All the impulsiveness and ignorance kinda swirls together in a vortex of profanity...:o


01-28-2008, 06:40 PM
I've had just one...my walnut-topped solidbody Atom...for a while. But the new carve top is really giving me fits... :(


01-28-2008, 11:58 PM
I had a black Cobra Special with 3 creme colored P90's. Traded it for something-------can't remember either. Probably another Anderson.

What a sweet guitar. Wish I'd have kept it.

Gerry Cooper
01-29-2008, 06:19 AM
Stop it, envy is a terrible thing:cool: . Pass me my anti GAS tablets.