View Full Version : Elixers? Boomers? D'Addario? What should I do?

03-17-2004, 10:34 PM
When I received one of the used Andersons, it had GHS Boomers. Never used the - been a D'Addario man for many years - but, I absolutely dig the Boomers.

Restrung the other Anderson with Elixers - but, not all that crazy about them.

Will the Boomers harm the neck? I think Tom mentioned Stainless Steel frets began in 2002. Mine are '94 and '97 - if that matters any?

I'm in love with these guitars, I want to ensure they're being treated with the respect they deserve...

03-18-2004, 07:28 AM
RE: The Elixirs- did you try the Polyweb or the Nanoweb? The Nanoweb is less "webby".

Boomers won't harm your neck. If you dig 'em, use 'em.

Stan Malinowski
03-18-2004, 08:04 AM
Which Elixirs come stock from Anderson - the polys or the nanos?

I typically uses D'Addarios on all my guitars and have never really been a big fan of Elixirs. If Andys come stock with the Polys maybe I should try the Nanos?

BTW Mike, the types of strings used should have no effect on the wear or feel of the stainless steel frets.

03-18-2004, 09:24 AM
I have already chimed in my two cents..but!
I am on my 5th week (6-7 gigs)with Elixrs (nanoweb, which is stock from Anderson). They still ring out great and feel smoother than the XLs. I am trading in the balance of my D'Addario XLs this week for a case of Elixrs. I used XLs for the last 3 years and they feel good, but they would go dead after 2 or 3 gigs.

I used Boomers thru the 80's and they (to me) were brittle and went dead faster than any string I used. I used SITs for about 3 years too. They are great and inexpensive. In fact, I like them better than XLs, but my local dealer doesn't sell them. I am officially an Elixr freak now. To me the extra cost balances out when you only have to change strings ever month (or more?) instead of every two weeks...
PS. Your sweat may vary..:)

Stan Malinowski
03-18-2004, 09:35 AM
Thanks, Shaun. I will have to give the Nanowebs a fair shake when my HDTC returns form its "adjustments" at TAG. I must admit that I previously would always immediately change the Elixirs to DAdd's as soon as the guitar arrived.

I don't gig but am able to play about 5-6 hours/week. Of course my present inventory is 18 guitars, but I play mostly 1 of my 5 Andy Classics/HDTCs, my Suhr Classic or my Grosh Retro. I typically change the strings about every 2 months on my frequently played guitars and maybe every 6 months on the infrequently played guitars. With 18 guitars to restring the cost of Nanowebs will add up quite rapidly, so maybe I need to be selective on which would get the Elixirs (if I decide to change over).

03-18-2004, 09:46 AM
Hey Stan,
Wow, that many guitars, and you don't gig??!!
Yep, it could be expensive for you to make the switch $100.00 avg. per case of Elixr 10-46).
I have a friend who has about 30 guitars of various makes (none boutique), he uses D'arco's....(cheap) but when he pulls them out of the case, they are often rusty and brittle. I would think Elixr's with the special coating on the wound strings would last longer.
I have found that if I use a little Dunlop 65 sting conditioner on the treble strings after a nights gig, it helps clean/coat them and smooth them out (the idea being to make them last even longer). So far, its working like a champ!! This weekend coming with two gigs will make a month (8 gigs with these strings) I woiuld have already restrung twice.
My gigs are 4 hours a night and I sweat alot being in a showband.
But, give them a fair shake. It took me really paying attention to them this time around, but I'm converting.
See Ya--

John Price
03-18-2004, 08:29 PM
I've been a D'Addario fan for ever but did dab in a few others just to seee if I would like something new! The Boomers sounded good for about an hour then became dull and the plain strings would just tarnish!!!!

back to the XL's

03-18-2004, 09:39 PM
And, you know what John?

Now that you mention it, the guitar does seem to be dying quickly with the Boomers on it.

I have sets of XLs, Boomers and then Elixers on the other TA. I'll keep experimenting.

As long as 'yall don't think the other strings will damage - they're not the Stainless Steel frets.

Thanks for all the great feedback.

03-20-2004, 06:31 PM
Hi Mike!
The difference should be negligable when it comes to sting wear on your frets. You may try to wear them faster so you can send it to TAG for a stainless re-fret :D But be warned, once you change one of them, the rest will have to follow;)
Im on a new regimen of only changing the string I break, so the elixirs are pretty good for that but dont like breaking a string at a gig so I always put a fresh set on before playing out.
Do chicks dig guys who break strings while playing live?


03-20-2004, 06:47 PM
I know, I haven't even heard the SS frets and already, I'm contemplating getting it done.

Thanks for the advice on wearing the frets down. Though had you said I'm going to grind them, I would've shipped the TAs off tonight for SS frets.


03-20-2004, 08:58 PM
I was a long time D'Addario user (they were cheap and did a decent job) until a while back when Don Grosh turned me on to SIT Power Wounds. Even though I have to order them I like the SITs better than the D'Addarios for tone, life, and tuning stability.

I recently picked up a Hollow Drop Top with SS frets. I like them so much my Cobra is going back for a refret with SS as soon as I can free up $300.

03-20-2004, 09:52 PM
You guys are killing me. I'm supposed to be saving-up for a new TA.

Darn those SS frets.

03-21-2004, 10:40 AM
Ok, my HDT that i got in november, still has the same strings it came with from the factory. 10-46 elixirs nanoweb's, and they sound as good as the day I got it. I'm amazed at how long they last, and I play this guitar a lot. I will eventually restring all my guitars with them, so that when i pull out one I havent played in a long time, they wont be crusty and coroded.

I use a dunlop 2mm delrin pick, and I pick like a madman, bend a lot and torture the strings, and they still sound the same. I used to use EB 10-46 (neon green pack) for years, and I probably would have gone through 3 sets by now, possibly more.


03-21-2004, 12:07 PM
Hey Dave,

Yeah I am noticing the longer life on the Elixers. Seems like what you give up with D'Addarios (initial, ultra bright sound of new strings) you get a more consistent, broken-in new string tone and longer life w/ the Elixers.

03-21-2004, 12:22 PM
If Elixers are not preffered, why not use the strings Anderson guitars were once equipped with: SIT. And, as I've been told by an Anderson final assembler, cetain strings do not intonate as well as others. I personally like Elixers but often rely on SIT.

03-21-2004, 12:35 PM
Actually, I'm beginning to like the Elixers now that they're settling in. They do seem very consistent. However, I do plan on checking the SITs... just to see.

Thanks for the suggestion.

03-21-2004, 01:01 PM
The SIT Pure nickel are great strings, especially on single coil applications. I wish elixirs offered pure nickel. With their increasing popularity perhaps they will.:D

03-21-2004, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
TI don't gig but am able to play about 5-6 hours/week. Of course my present inventory is 18 guitars, but I play mostly 1 of my 5 Andy Classics/HDTCs, my Suhr Classic or my Grosh Retro.

:eek: :eek: :cool: Stan, your collection is awesome! that Gretz, Cajun red, is incredible - I'll bet it plays as well as it looks. drooooooool!

Stan Malinowski
03-22-2004, 05:34 AM
Thanks Mike! Jack Gretz is truely a talented luthier. All 3 guitars he has made for me play and sound wonderful. I just picked up the Koa Topped Alder Strat from him and can't put it down. The thing resonates like crazy!

03-27-2004, 12:45 AM
Ive used just about every string there is out there and I wont buy anything but DR's the pure nickle wrap or the regular tight-fit are both amazing strings.
The gauge I use is 44 32 24 17 13 10

04-01-2004, 11:49 PM
OK - so I'm really beginning to like the Elixirs.

Can anybody recommend:

1. Polyweb vs. Nanoweb - tonal differences, feel differences?

2. A good website to purchase bulk?

Thanks in advance,

04-02-2004, 07:34 AM
Hey Mike,
I am over 1 month (10 gigs) on my Elixrs and I LOVE THEM!
I will never go back to anything else.
If you wipe them off after gigs, they still ring out nicely. Try Juststrings.com they have them for under $10 a pack. I haven't tried the polywebs though...

04-02-2004, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by MikeHil
OK - so I'm really beginning to like the Elixirs.

Can anybody recommend:

1. Polyweb vs. Nanoweb - tonal differences, feel differences?

2. A good website to purchase bulk?

Thanks in advance,

guitar center gave me 5 packs for 48 out the door (tax included), so i dont know how that would compare with juststrings after shipping.


04-02-2004, 09:52 AM
the poly's are a lot duller sounding. if you have an overly bright guitar, or are one of those guys who likes strings when they are getting duller, you may like them. also because of the thicker coating, they are smoother and slicker feeling. the nano's sound more "normal". i really enjoy the clean, less scratchy feel of the nanos.

04-02-2004, 06:32 PM
Thanks dpeterson and Tom,

One of the reasons I was not immedidately taken w/ the Elixirs was the missing brightness. But, they're far more consistent sounding in the long term than other I've used. I was using the polys so I'll check out the nanos.

There's a Guitar Center around the corner from my house so I'll check them out compared to juststrings.com.

Peace Out Homeys!