View Full Version : Interface?

12-20-2007, 10:44 PM
This dovetails off the Mac thread I started...

Any thoughts on a USB or Firewire interface for use with Mac Book and Logic?

It will mostly be me doing one instrument at a time, but I would like maybe when recording acoustic to have a couple of mics....


12-20-2007, 11:20 PM
I have been reading great things about the Apogee Duet for a simple firewire interface. I think that it around $500. It is a two channel device. I have not heard it and am just going by what I've been reading.

The interface that I want is the Apogee Ensemble. 8 mic pres. But it is around 2 grand.

Recording equipment is sort of like a black hole for your hard earned dollars. :D

12-21-2007, 02:23 AM
Have you thought about something like a Zoom H2 or H4? They let you record with a computer, but also will record directly to an SDCARD while running standalone from batteries - this is great for gig recording.

For something higher end, I have a MOTU Traveler that powers directly from the firewire bus on the Macbook. That is very convenient. The Ultralight or whatever it's called looks great too if you don't need so many inputs.

12-21-2007, 08:56 AM
MOTU stuff works great. The Apogee should crush, but I haven't seen/heard it yet.

I've been using MOTU stuff for years and I'm real happy

12-21-2007, 10:17 AM
Love the Duet but hate the special cabling.

Look into RME Fireface 400. Great sounding preamps, well built. I've got the FF800 and love it.

12-21-2007, 11:33 AM
Thanks guys.

12-26-2007, 08:44 PM
Motu '896 is the one I love, the 424 is also very nice, a few dollars, but well worth it in my book,

11-18-2008, 05:23 PM
I finally got around to buying an interface, the MOTU Ultralite MK3. I think I did about three different threads on this subject, including MAC vs PC.

A lot of guys on this forum recommeded MOTU stuff. I chose it for its size and the fact that if you wanted to you can record up to 10 tracks at a time. So with a few submixes you could use it for relatively high quality live recording of a small band.

Anyway thanks for the help.

Now where do I strike the match for this fire wire thingy???

11-18-2008, 08:44 PM
Good choice.........that's my set up too.

Have fun!!

11-19-2008, 12:22 AM
Good choice.........that's my set up too.

Have fun!!
I really wish I had a clue how to make this thing work!

Thing is, I am actually pretty technical. I just can't seem to get Logic to receive a sound from it!

11-19-2008, 06:24 AM
Well Welcome to the digital recording universe where I spend more time fiddling and cursing and less writing and creating! I run a pro tools le digi 003 with my mac pro, and I will say any company that was as inefficient as some of these computer based recording companies are they would be out of business!Lots of great stuff too, with ease when its all good, but hell when it is not! Wish I could help you out Danno with the logic, not familiar with...good luck, I'm gonna go turn my computer on...:D

11-19-2008, 07:40 AM
I guess I'll have the do the non "manly" thing and read the book!

11-19-2008, 08:03 AM
I no longer curse at my rig, ever since I started running Logic 7.

I can't recommend it enough for you mac users. Yes, I cursed a LOT at Digital Performer (which is better now) and using really hacked up gear like the old Yamaha CBX D5, but with my MOTU 828 and now my MOTU Ultralite Mk III and Logic on Mac OS X... no crashes, no freezes, no problems...

11-19-2008, 09:18 AM
We use the Duet at home. My wife records her radio vocals and i use it to lay down a few tunes. We both use mbp's.

I think the preamps are great and I am about to buy another one. It's simple and flanges up perfectly with Apple products.

I'm glad we have it.

11-19-2008, 05:44 PM
I have the MOTU Traveler, and really like the simplicity of the interface software on the Mac. The ability to combine multiple interfaces and make an aggregate interface is fantastic - I used that when I borrowed a friend's RMC something or other and had 16 ADAT channels running into a session of Traktion.

Of late, I've not been happy with Traktion 3 (the DAW recording software that I use) - the PC version is as stable as a rock, but the Mac version randomly dies on me. And I hate the PC with a vengeance, so I'm not going back there.

I think it's time to investigate Logic or one of the other DAWs. I didn't really like the workflow of Digital Performer, but has anyone looked at Ableton Live? I've heard some good things about it for live type experimental stuff?

11-21-2008, 11:34 AM
I had an 828mkII - that was great little box. I have been using an RME Fireface 800 for a bit over a year. I had sold the MOTU for an Apogee Ensemble which I did not like. The pres were good, but I thought the software was not so good, and I wasn't especially impressed with the conversion for the price (that's right. I said it). The RME is rock solid and sounds great. I don't use the pres - they're decent though. The direct inputs of the RME sound great on bass.

I use DP6.01. I've had some problems with it, but I like the workflow, and have been using DP for years. It would be a much bigger PITA to switch to Logic in the midst of an album project (going on 2 years now).

I'm not sure I have a point.