View Full Version : Visual Sound amps?

Road King
12-10-2007, 04:03 PM
I saw an amp advertised by visual sound that was interesting. A single channel tube amp touted by the manufacturer to have a great clean tone and designed to work well with pedals. Since I use a single channel most of the time and am not consistently knocked out with my tone this sounds like something I might like. Anyone try one out yet?


12-10-2007, 05:59 PM
I did the layout of the manual for them a couple or few years ago. They have a great guy named RG Keen who helped design the circuitry. He was an EE with IBM for a bunch of years a built some great ideas into this amp (the Workhorse) that really defies the nature of its price tag and overseas production. They're certainly worth checking out.

The amps are REALLY clean, so if you're looking for any edge-of-breakup tones, they're not there.

12-12-2007, 06:46 PM
A friend called me today to say that he had just played through one and he really liked it. He's a pedal head by the way. He doesn't have the best ear for tone out of my guitar buddies, but he did speak really highly of the amp.

personally I think they look funny... but I use a Orange so I may not have a good handle on looks ;-)