View Full Version : This is great

03-15-2004, 01:48 PM
Hello Everybody!

I'm a proud new owner of 2 new (used from eBay - new for me) Andersons.

It's been many years since I first played one and have waited... 15 years... until my budget would allow it. Soooo worth the wait.

Completely delighted to find this site. Tom himself returned an e-mail with some resources for me to check out.

In addition to actually getting these guitars, the e-mail from Tom was an absolute thrill for me. No less of a guitar hero - in my opinion - than all the great players I admire. So, Tom if you happen to read this, thank you 'cause it meant a lot to me.

So, I just wanted to say hello to all those that share my enthusiasm and appreciation for Tom Anderson, his art and the wonder of music.


03-15-2004, 02:50 PM
Congrats on your new aquisitions. I'm also new to Tom Anderson guitars, and definitely appreciate the quality and craftsmenship that goes into them.

Do you have pics of your guitars you can post?

03-15-2004, 06:24 PM
Hi CM,

Quite a nice PRS setup there - they're beautiful. Ten years ago, I would never have guessed how much I'd appreciate a "beautiful" guitar.

Here's the DropTop - I'll post the other (Classic) next. I'm not sure how to post 2 pics at once.

03-15-2004, 06:26 PM
Man, I love these things!

P.S. Any Andersons' in your arsenal - and quite the line-up, I must say.

03-15-2004, 08:17 PM
Wow, those are very nice, indeed. That blue one looks like a pool!

I do have 2 Andersons. Well, one's on its way even as we speak. I have a T Classic (http://www.cmwebsite.com/images/AndersonTelefront1.jpg) and a Hollow Drop top (http://www.cmwebsite.com/images/AndersonHDTstorepic2.jpg) on the way.

03-15-2004, 08:52 PM
Oh yeah. The drop top is VERY nice. Tele, huh? That should round out your collection quite nicely I suspect. And then you're done buying guitars right :)

Tell you what: if I didn't have my Andersons, I would be very jealous...

I'd say congratulations to the both of us! If you've ever played one (TA) then you know what you're in for. If not, boy are you in for a treat. The tone is just indescribable. I was playing it the other night (when I first got it) and I had to stop and say to myself, "This thing sounds like a piano". It's almost a shame to mask it up w/ distortion.

How long before you get them? Man, you must be on pins and needles - I know I was.

03-15-2004, 10:08 PM
I've had the T Classic for just about a month now. It't one of the main reasons I bought another one.

Actually, I am through buying guitars for awhile - a least until I learn to play. I've spent the last 18 or so months learning about guitars and buying them, along with amps. Serious GAS I have 20 guitars (9 electric, 11 acoustic) and 7 amps, so I'm set in the equipment department for a long time. No pedals, though....hmmm....

03-15-2004, 10:18 PM
So, are you really a new player? I think it's really cool. I've jsyt returned from a 6 year layoff. And, finally after all these years, granted myself permission to get the TA. Ok, two, but whose counting.

I just had my first guitar lesson today after all these years. I too, went gear crazy. TAs, Boogie... the works.

Look out world, here we come, huh?

I'm retiring for the evening. Feel free to e-mail though I won't likely answer tonight.

SirJamsAlot@hotmail.com if you would like to continue corresponding - just so we don't clutter up the server here.

I am so glad Tom directed me to this site!!!

Stan Malinowski
03-16-2004, 05:23 AM
Welcome to the forum Mike! I have to admire a person who jumps right in from the start with not one but TWO Andersons!

I'm sure you'll like it around here!

John Price
03-18-2004, 08:41 PM
All the best to you and your Anderson Collection!


03-18-2004, 08:49 PM
Thanks John -

The best decision(s) I ever made!

John Price
03-19-2004, 08:52 AM
I'll second that!


Scott Peterson
03-19-2004, 12:30 PM

03-21-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by MikeHil
Hi CM,

Quite a nice PRS setup there - they're beautiful. Ten years ago, I would never have guessed how much I'd appreciate a "beautiful" guitar.

Here's the DropTop - I'll post the other (Classic) next. I'm not sure how to post 2 pics at once.

Mike, so you're the LUCKY one to win that auction. I remember seeing that DT and thinking, "that guitar's gonna make someone REALLY happy! that top couldn't be more quilty". Congrats and welcome!

03-21-2004, 09:06 PM
Thanks michaelomiya

Man, I can't tell if I like the DropTop better or the classic. It depends on my mood. You're right - it's making me very happy. I did get lucky with that

Thanks Bro!