View Full Version : Power Line Conditioners

Stan Malinowski
03-15-2004, 10:59 AM
Anyone use power-line conditioners (such as the Furman PL-8 or RL-8) in their home studios and/or rigs? At my house my amps and pedals are plugged into outlets which are on the same circuit as my computer. I also am located in an area where I tend to pickup a few radio stations thru the amps.

Will a power line conditioner help? Any comments on the Furmans I mentioned?

Scott Peterson
03-15-2004, 12:27 PM
My mixing/mastering rig that I run in my home studio *and* my live gig rig power supply both employ a combo of the Furman AR-1215 and a PL-8 Pro.

Yes it helps cut down on noise and yes it helps amps to sound more consistant (clean power within nominal levels).

The radio stations could be lots of things and might not be just your power supply.

Furman has a new rig coming out just for running amps; I will be looking into that when it ships this spring for sure.

Stan Malinowski
03-15-2004, 12:33 PM
Furman has a new rig coming out just for running amps


Is this the "Power Factor Pro" that I've heard about?

Scott Peterson
03-15-2004, 12:35 PM
Yes it is.


Stan Malinowski
03-15-2004, 12:41 PM

Would the PFP be useful to filter the AC before I apply it to my Vodoo Labs Pedal Power?

It looks like there are two distinct sets of AC outlets on the PFP - does one set "bypass" the filtering circuitry?

Any idea on cost?

Scott Peterson
03-15-2004, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski

Would the PFP be useful to filter the AC before I apply it to my Vodoo Labs Pedal Power?

It looks like there are two distinct sets of AC outlets on the PFP - does one set "bypass" the filtering circuitry?

Any idea on cost?

I have no clue to any of your questions. I gotta see the thing once it come out. It looks to me more like a higher current AR-1215 type of thing and less of a PL-Pro type of thing.