View Full Version : Factory tour pics

03-15-2004, 02:38 AM
Hi all,

here are some e-pics of my factory visit-

Kilarney, Tom's Irish Wolfhound (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1079029485645_TA_Kilarney.jpg)

Alder and basswood body blanks (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1080272108470_TA_body_stock.jpg)

Routed bodies (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1079730396748_TA_bodies.jpg)

Flamed and quilted topwood inventory (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1080097817890_TA_topwood.jpg)

Various rosewood fretboard blanks (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1078752157939_TA_fretboard_blanks.jpg)

Necks to be routed (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1080344024233_TA_necks_to_be_routed.jpg)

Router tool in action shaping neck (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1077933579189_TA_neck_router.jpg )

bodies in sanding process (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1079326295640_TA_first_sanding.jpg)

Bodies ready for staining (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1081466585534_TA_bodies_for_stain.jpg )

Chuck - the keeper of the stone (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1079016891251_TA_jeff.jpg)

Tom w/ a killer Hollow T Drop top, Tiger eye in process (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1077763025271_TA_tom_tiger_eye_before_spray.jpg)

Roy claiming "its really only water" (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1079999518332_TA_Roy_on_the_phone.jpg)

Bodies ready for UV finishing (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1078489436364_TA_bodies_awating_gloss.jpg)
Chuck removing another gorgeous tiger eye from the UV chamber (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1078559356993_TA_jeff_tiger_eye.jpg)

Pickups in process (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1079492532717_TA_pus.jpg )

Stans beautiful DT koa (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1077864650488_TA_tom_w_Stans_koa.jpg)
Necks to be assembled to bodies and test played by Dave (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1079586052305_TA_neck_for_matching.jpg)

Finished goods awaiting to be placed in cases and shipped (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1080612963090_TA_Finish_goods.jpg)

me and the Tour guide extraordinaire (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1081207137224_TA_tom_and_I.jpg)

Thanks again to Tom and crew for the tour!

03-15-2004, 03:09 AM
great pix!

small correction: "jeff" should be renamed "chuck - the keeper of the stone":D

And the guy testing the guitars is "dave"

thanks for all of the shots!

03-15-2004, 03:12 AM
Thanks for the correction- was too excited to take notes ;)

03-15-2004, 10:35 AM
Wow! Thanks for the tour shots. I have been to the shop waaaaay back in the early 90's. It really is amazing to see what these "artists" can do with a block of wood. Each one of us who has a guitar on order are asking ourselves, "Is one of those my guitar?" :D You know, Im pretty good with a broom, perhaps I could get a job there. LOL :p


Stan Malinowski
03-15-2004, 11:01 AM
God work and thanks for the pictures enr1co!!!

Also thanks for "finding" my Koa HDTC, I can't wait to get it back!

Stan Malinowski
03-15-2004, 12:56 PM
A good caption for the picture of Tom working on my Koa HDTC would be:

"This guy Stan is one pain in the *!%$"

:D :D

03-15-2004, 01:06 PM
Thanks for sharing the pics. Nice aloha shirt too, braddahhhhh!

03-15-2004, 01:57 PM
Those are great pictures. Thanks!


Scott Peterson
03-15-2004, 10:16 PM
Very Cool!!!

Thanks for sharing!!

03-15-2004, 11:33 PM
GREAT JOB! Thanks!

03-16-2004, 12:12 AM

That is very cool. Must say I'm quite envious.

How lucky are we to be TA owners... and, to be made to feel like part of the family.

Congratulations on your very fortunate experience.

03-16-2004, 12:43 AM
Thanks so much for the great pictures.
It's nice to see the 'womb' that birthed my guitars!


Dave K
03-16-2004, 02:38 PM
Thanks for posting the pics,enr1co.

Have any pics of the power tools in the shop?
As a shop guy I'm curious what they have in the way of a tablesaw,bandsaw,planer,jointer,etc.
I see the CNC doing the neck carve,but I'd like
to know if TA's shop would make Norm Abram envious. ;)


03-16-2004, 03:44 PM
Thank enr1co... all the way from Washington D.C. for the pictures. Great Job!!!

03-16-2004, 06:59 PM
I appreciate the tour.

With tone and oneness, Mike.

John Price
03-18-2004, 08:21 PM
:cool: :D

03-20-2004, 12:52 AM
Thanks all for the compliments on the pics!

One thing that the pics may not have depicted was
the enjoyable and family type atmosphere of the shop.
It was quite refreshing from a one stuck in
corporate work environment since college.

Hoping that some of your travels one day take you to
Toms area to experience his shop also.


03-20-2004, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by Dave K
Thanks for posting the pics,enr1co.

Have any pics of the power tools in the shop?
As a shop guy I'm curious what they have in the way of a tablesaw,bandsaw,planer,jointer,etc.
I see the CNC doing the neck carve,but I'd like
to know if TA's shop would make Norm Abram envious. ;)


Hi Dave,

Sorry, i missed the tooling details- but maybe Tom or one
of his team will be able to chime in with some info?


Dave K
03-20-2004, 01:14 AM
Thanks anyway,Enrico.Still nice to see inside the factory.

I just saw that's your Koa DT I've been looking at
on ebay. ;)

Stan Malinowski
03-20-2004, 11:00 AM
I just saw that's your Koa DT I've been looking at


Buy It!!! I hear it calling your name!!! Please save my marriage and buy it before I give into temptation.:D

Dave K
03-20-2004, 01:10 PM
C'mon Stan,like I need further encouragement?!:D

Even worse, I'm drooling at his koa acoustic as well.Ever since my first visit to Hawaii I've had a thing for koa. :p

03-20-2004, 03:12 PM
hi Dave,

koa has a way of messing with you- look at me :p

As mentioned, would love for this DT to make
to the happy home of a forum member with some
concession from the ebay posted price :)


Dave K
03-20-2004, 05:47 PM

I'd love to give them both a new home.;)
As long as I'm at it,you wouldn't happen to have a Cobra S with a '62 roundback? :D

03-20-2004, 06:02 PM
Hi dave,

No cobra S w/ 62 roundback but I'll keep my eye out for you-
any particular color? I saw a gorgeous N.O.S. 6120 orange quilty one my local shop www.Gelbmusic.com a couple weeks ago and they had selling at a nice price - Not so nice for me as I would have to pay CA tax but you wouldnt!
Not sure if it had a 62 RB neck or if they still have it but may be
worth the call ( especially if you have free weekends/unlimited long distance on you cell plan ;) Ask for Eric- he's really cool.

Looks like the Tacoma is heading to the east coast- MD.
A lucky buyer just pulled the trigger :)
