View Full Version : Scale Length

11-23-2007, 05:06 PM
I am curious about traditional scale lengths and why they have remained "standards". TA's certainly utilize a few of these standard lengths... from The Atom to the Baritom you have at least 3 different lengths. I am familiar them all and have experienced the differences sonically and ergonomically.

My question is... why doesn't Anderson utilize a scale length like 27" for a standard tuned guitar?

Recently I had a chance to play a 27" scale and really liked it. It was very articulate, intonated well, and sounded great.

This is my first post on this forum. Please be gentle with me. Greetings to all!

11-23-2007, 07:19 PM
i think having too many scale lengths muddies the water when you start comparing guitars. so seldom see all else being equal. we did some of the baritoms with regular strings and they were pretty fun, but in the end too long for comfort for most people. for the benefits you get with any scale you also get liabilities, and while the longer 27" would give a nice clear a tight bottom i would not expect the top end to be sweet. that doesn't mean it's a bad thing, just not something we'll be doing soon. many people find our existing options daunting when ordering a guitar.