View Full Version : 3-way switch plastic tip keeps coming off...

11-21-2007, 01:26 AM
Tom, Bruce, et al...I have a 3-way strat-style switch on my Atom Special and the plastic thing on top of the switch keeps flying off, usually on a dark stage :)

I'm thinking Crazy Glue or some such but I wanted to run it by you guys to see if you had any better ideas?


11-21-2007, 04:58 AM
Cling wrap is your friend here. Just take a very small piece of cling wrap and put it on the shaft. Then take the plastic tip and push it onto the shaft. This will usually tighten it up more than enough to keep it there. Obviously this is reversible if someone needs to play with the electronics.

BTW, this also works well for slightly loose pots on effects pedals.

11-21-2007, 11:09 AM
Cling wrap is your friend here. Just take a very small piece of cling wrap and put it on the shaft. Then take the plastic tip and push it onto the shaft. This will usually tighten it up more than enough to keep it there. Obviously this is reversible if someone needs to play with the electronics.

BTW, this also works well for slightly loose pots on effects pedals.

Great idea. Teflon tape does the same thing too. Don't use crazy glue. You might accidently spill some on the the finish! Will eat a hole right through it.

11-21-2007, 11:37 AM
you can also use wire cutters an squeeze the skinny side if the blade switch to put some crimps in it. you actually put the cutters on the blade the wide direction and squeeze lightly. the different colors and brands of switch tips are not all the same size so we have to do that a lot here.

11-21-2007, 02:54 PM
Thanks for the tips everyone! I should have some time this weekend to implement these suggestions...