View Full Version : Elixrs!

03-11-2004, 02:25 PM
Wow, I think I have arrived! I am on my 4th gig with these Elixr Nanowebs. They still feel and sound great..even with my clammy hands! I may be able to get a months work out of these things!

I had sworn by the D'Addarrio XL's for the last few years and was an SIT guy before that, but I am going to trade in the rest of my case for a case of these strings. They feel great too. I don't know waht I missed the other time I tried them.
I will, of course, cash in my gazillion players points:D
Too bad D'addario is too cheap to let you trade your players points for Planet Waves stuff.
Just thought I would chime in folks..

03-11-2004, 10:54 PM
I've been using Thomastik-Infeld Power Brights for the last couple of years. Same type of results: long life, great tone, excellent feel.

Having said that, I just purchased my two TA's (both used) within the last month and I'm not sure what strings were on them--although I do know the Hollow Classic had Daddario 9s on it. I put the TI's on both tonight and they feel a tad "hard"--not like they felt on the G&Ls I used to use. So I might try the Elixirs to see if they feel any better.

One thing about strings--don't know why one would put a $4 set of strings on a $2000 guitar. Like many other things, you get what you pay for.


03-11-2004, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by bbjonz
I've been using Thomastik-Infeld Power Brights ...Joe

Where do you get those strings?

03-12-2004, 06:35 AM
Good Point. Kineda like curb feelers on a Ferrari. I was getting tired of changing strings every 2 gigs. I am on my 4th ot 5th gig with these things and they still sound and feel good. I am also finally getting into the habit of wiping down strings after each set. I'm sure that helps. One more thing, Dunlop makes a string cleaner and conditioner, that will help with the non-wound stringlife.
I looked into the TI site and really couldn't get any background on the string and what makes it so special. I assume they use a coating like Elixr. The Elixrs really do feel great and take it from me, they last at least twice to 3 times as long. No wonder they are standard on TAs.
Danno, Kip has both kinds. You will pay about 11$ a set average. I found a website called juststrings.com. You can get Elixrs for about $9.60 apack for 10-46. I am going to trade in the balance of my case of Daddario XLs at RM. I also can't wait to try the acoustic strings.

Stan Malinowski
03-12-2004, 07:17 AM
Hey Shaun!,

I was just wondering how you were making out learning how to maintain your guitars? I remember a while ago you had decided to take the plunge and learn the ins-and-outs of guitar setups. So...how much have you spent at Stew-Mac so far??:D S-M really is the Home Depot of guitar tools, you go in looking for one item and end out walking out with 10!:D


03-12-2004, 09:12 AM
Hey Buddy!
Yeah, unfortunately I have been quite broke lately after having to buy a new wireless unit. My guitar tech here in Richmond does such a good job and I'm so lousy at reading measurements that I've put that off for awhile. I hope to get into it soon. You are right about the stew-mac site. I will definitely go broke in that joint. Hope you and your nice collection are doing well:D

03-12-2004, 10:32 AM
Yes, the TI's are coated. I like the way that feels, for some reason. I actually get my sets from a local shop in Tucson--they sell sets 2-for-1, so I pay $18 for two. Not bad. Juststrings.com has them, too. You might try the TI website for more info.

I'd like to try the Elixirs, though. Don't they have several different coated kinds? Nanoweb, or something?


03-12-2004, 12:16 PM
I, too, purchase my strings (Elixir nonweb; Pryamid) from Juststrings. Great selection at a nice price.

With tone and oneness, Mike.

Stan Malinowski
03-12-2004, 12:25 PM
Just Strings.com has very reasonable prices, a GREAT selection and delivers to my house in Connecticut in 2 Days. Can't beat a place like that!

03-13-2004, 07:33 PM
Just Strings is my source as well, pretty good prices but you need to order a few to not get zapped on shipping.
I Recently switched to Elixir from SIT's. The Polyweb dont feel very good to me, too much coating. The Nano's are much more "natural" Feeling. Although I probably will go back to SIT's as I break strings every 10 days like clockwork (unlucky)and that can get expensive with elixirs. I may place an order with many different brands and become a string expert. LOL

03-15-2004, 06:53 AM
I don't think there is any real difference in the non-wound EBG strings on the Elixrs vs. anybody elses brand (correct me if I'm wrong people), therefore you could just have spare strings and keep the wound stuff on...?
SIT's are great and I swore by them myself, too bad nobody in my town carries them by the case. Try the Nanoweb elixrs. MAN, they feel like a woman:)