View Full Version : Interesting Quote

Road King
10-30-2007, 10:48 PM
Found this thumbing through a copy of Guitar World's "Guitar Legends" series. This is an interview with Billy Gibbons around 1997.

GW: Which of the guitars currently being made are the classics of tomorrow?

Gibbons: I don't really know, but the tone will tell the tale. The Big T. Anderson outfit of California meticulously manufactures a massively moving machine.

The brothers got a way with words don't he.


10-31-2007, 06:28 AM
I think that many guitarists are their own worst enemies when it comes to innovations in gear. You have the whole if it doesn't say Fender or Gibson on the headstock crowd and the whole Relic thing is out of control IMO. Whatever happened to making the relic look yourself by actually playing your guitar for a long time?!

I can think of at least 3 innovations that Tom uses that make for a better guitar: Buzz Feiten Tuning, Stainless Steel Frets, and the new Atom neck joint on the guitars is simply the best I've ever played or seen.

Road King
10-31-2007, 10:57 AM
agreed. esp the part about relic guitars. never could bring myself to accept the idea that a beat guitar was cool if it didn't get that way honestly. I have a beat up Robin that I played in metal bands back in the 80s and it is quite honestly beat to crap. Didn't do it on purpose, just happened.

btw sonicgator, your TAG and I share a birthday. Only I showed up 43 years earlier.:o


10-31-2007, 10:17 PM
I have a bunch of Fender CS guitars. I refuse to buy a relic. It is kind of like cheating to me. I only buy NOS.