View Full Version : Suggestions for CLEAN (Headroom)

03-07-2004, 01:29 PM
I'm using a Bassman RI now---which I really like. But on bigger stages, I need more headroom. I'm curious about that new Fender twin with the single 15 speaker. Is there a speaker configuration that works better for headroom better than others? 2-12's, 2-10's, 1-12 or 1-15? Or should I be more concerned with the wattage being put out and not as concerned about the speakers?

03-07-2004, 06:46 PM
It's more about watts than speakers for headroom, though speakers do play a part. And, frankly, it's the amp itself - I've heard some 30 watt amps with good headroom and some 100 watters with not-so-good headroom. It's just about how loud you want it that watts come into play. I have a 212 100W and couldn't be happier (I also need a great clean with lots of headroom).

03-11-2004, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by GASMAN
I'm using a Bassman RI now---which I really like. But on bigger stages, I need more headroom. I'm curious about that new Fender twin with the single 15 speaker. Is there a speaker configuration that works better for headroom better than others? 2-12's, 2-10's, 1-12 or 1-15? Or should I be more concerned with the wattage being put out and not as concerned about the speakers?

absolutely about the wattage. For MAX Headroom (and not the 7up guy!) try a 100W 69-71 Marshall metal panel. LOUD. But headroom's there and w/ a Keeley pedal - TONE NIRVANA!

03-12-2004, 09:15 AM

You might want to check out Dr Z. My Route 66 needed to be tamed with an Airbrake before I could use it on stage.

Also, if you are into Class A Vox-type tones, I had a Bad Cat Hot Cat 30 that tore my head off on the clean channel. They may have a single channel clean amp you could try (Black Cat? Wildcat?)

Good luck!

03-14-2004, 04:29 PM
I'm developing an interest in the Carr Imperial. Probably the 2x12 version. Anyone had any experience with this one? Another one of those companys that seems to get glowing reviews.